Conference contributions


11th International Conference on Multiscale Materials Modeling
23.–27. 9. 2024, Prague, Czech republic
J. Houška
3095 "Pathways for the preparation of functional coatings by simulations at various scales"

17th International Symposium on Sputtering & Plasma Processes
3.–5. 7. 2024, Kyoto, Japonsko
J. Houška, J. Vlček
FA1-01 "Design of VO2-based thermochromic coatings and pathway for their industry-friendly preparation"

2nd International Symposium on Sustainable Healthcare Innovation for Future Society 2024 (SHCISYM 2024)
1.–2. 2. 2024, Chiang Mai University, Thailand
P. Baroch, P. Zeman, J. Vlček
"Magnetron sputtering as a key enabling plasma technology – from the basics to the advanced concepts"


International Conference on Reactive Sputter Deposition 2023 (RSD 2023)
12.–13. 12. 2023, Leipzig, Germany
T. Kozák, J. Rezek, J. Vlček
"Modelling of reactive HiPIMS discharges: Parametric, ionization-region and particle-based approaches"

13th Asian-European International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering
5.–8. 11. 2023, Busan, Republic of Korea
J. Vlček
"Low-temperature scalable deposition of thermochromic VO2-based coatings for energy saving smart windows"

P. Zeman , M. Červená, S. Haviar, J. Houška, R. Čerstvý
"Self-formation of metastable structures in W-Zr thin-film alloys: Opportunity for advanced functional coating"

Surface Science Toolbox 2023 IUVSTA School
23.–26. 8. 2023, Poznan, Poland
S. Haviar
"EDS and WDS – Understanding and Pitfalls"

International Forum in Plasma and Thin Film Technologies for Sustainable Development Goals (PTSDG 2023)
15.–17. 6. 2023, New TaiPei, Taiwan
P. Baroch, P. Zeman, J. Vlček
"New nanostructured thin-film materials prepared by plasma technologies"

HiPIMS Today 2023, Recent Developments in High-Power Impulse Magnetron Sputtering
22.–24. 3. 2023, Linkoping, Sweden (online)
A.D. Pajdarová, T. Kozák, J. Čapek
"Cavity ring-down and fast-camera imaging spectroscopy diagnostics of unipolar and bipolar HiPIMS discharges"


VIII National Symposium and the first Latin American Meeting on Surface Engineering and Tribology
6.–11. 11. 2022, on-line
J. Vlček
"Controlled reactive HiPIMS: Effective technique for low-temperature deposition of tunable oxynitrides and functional oxides"

18th International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering (PSE 2022)
12.–15. 09. 2022 Erfurt, Německo
P. Zeman, M. Červená, T. Dvořák, R. Čerstvý, D. Thakur
KN1100 "Dual-phase nanocomposite coatings based on crystalline ZrN and glassy ZrCu"

48th International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films (ICMCTF 2022)
22.05.–27. 05. 2022, San Diego, CA, USA
J. Houška, T. Bárta, D. Kolenatý, J. Rezek, J. Vlček
"Design of high-performance VO2-based thermochromic coatings, and pathway for their industry-friendly preparation"

65th Annual SVC Technical Conference (SVC 2022)
30. 4.–05. 05. 2022 Long Beach, CA, USA
J. Čapek, T. Kozák, A.D. Pajdarová
"Reactive and bipolar HiPIMS: understanding the principal phenomena and their impact on deposition of compound coatings"

Workshop on Plasma-Assisted Nanomaterials Engineering (PANE 2022)
10.–11. 02. 2022, on-line
J. Houška
"Pathways for the preparation of functional coatings by simulations at various scales"


18th International Conference on Thin Films and 18th Joint Vacuum Conference (ICTF-JVC 2020)
22.–26. 11. 2020, on-line
P. Zeman
"Zr(–Hf)–Cu based thin-film metallic glasses: properties and thermal behavior"

Special PSE 2020
7.–10. 09. 2020, Erfurt, Germany
J. Houška
"Pathways for the preparation of functional coatings by simulations at various scales"

PSE Satellite – Workshop on Plasma-Based Synthesis of Nanomaterials
10.–11. 02. 2020, Prague, Czech Republic
S. Haviar
"Nanostructured Materials Based on Thin Films and Nanoclusters for Gas Sensing"


11th Symposium on Vacuum based Science and Technology
19.–21. 11. 2019, Kolobrzeg, Poland
J. Musil
"Advanced Hard Nanocoatings Deposited by Magnetron Sputtering: Present State and Trends"

International Thin Films Conference (TACT 2019)
17.–20. 11. 2019, Taipei, Taiwan
J. Vlček, T. Bárta, J. Houška
B-I-0012 "Low-temperature deposition of high-performance thermochromic VO2-based coatings for energy saving smart windows"

13th Pacific Rim Conference of Ceramic Societies (PACRIM13)
27. 10. – 1. 11. 2019, Okinawa, Japan
J. Musil
31-B1C-S24-01 "Advanced Hard Nanocoatings Deposited By Magnetron Sputtering: Present State And Trends"

10th Power Electronics for Plasma Engineering Conference (PE2 2019)
24.–26. 09. 2019, Zielonka, Poland
J. Vlček, T. Bárta, J. Houška
"Low-temperature deposition of high-performance thermochromic VO2-based coatings for energy saving smart windows"

9th IEEE International Conference on Nanomaterials: Applications & Properties (NAP 2019)
15.–20. 9. 2019, Odesa City, Ukraine
J. Musil
"Advanced Hard Nanocoatings: Present State and Trends"

12th Asian-European International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering (AEPSE2019)
1.–5. 9. 2019, Jeju Island, Republic of Korea
J. Vlček
"Great potential of the controlled reactive HiPIMS for a low-temperature deposition of functional oxides and tunable oxynitrides"

21st International conference on surface modification of materials by ion beams (SMMIB2019)
25.–30. 8. 2019, Tomsk, Russia
J. Musil
"Advanced hard nanocoatings deposited by magnetron sputtering: role of energy"

21st International Vacuum Congress (IVC 21)
1.–5. 7. 2019, Malmo, Sweden
J. Houška, D. Kolenatý, T. Bárta, J. Rezek, J. Vlček
"Design of high-performance VO2-based thermochromic coatings, and pathway for their low-temperature preparation"

6th International Conference from Nanoparticles and Nanomaterials to Nanodevices and Nanosystems (IC4N 2019)
30. 6. – 3. 7. 2019, Corfu, Greece
J. Čapek, Š. Batková, J. Houška, S. Haviar, T. Duchoň. M. Krbal
"HiPIMS deposition of Ta–O–N coatings for water splitting application"

P. Zeman, E.I. Meletis
"Superior high-temperature behavior of amorphous coatings from quinary Hf–B–Si–C–N system"

37th Spring Meeting of the European Materials Research Society 2019 (E-MRS 2019)
27.–31. 5. 2019, Nice, France
J. Houška
"Pathways for the preparation of technologically important metal oxides"


16th International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering (PSE 2018)
17.–21. 9. 2018, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany
J. Houška
KN0200 "Pathways for the preparation of technologically important metal oxides"

9th Power Electronics for Plasma Engineering Conference (PE2 2018)
14.–17. 5. 2018, Freiburg, Germany
J. Vlček
"Controlled reactive HiPIMS ‒ effective technique for low-temperature deposition of functional oxide films"


International Thin Films Conference (TACT 2017)
15.–18. 10. 2017, Hualien, Taiwan
J. Vlček
"Magnetron Sputtered Hard Ceramic Coatings with Controlled Electrical Conductivity and Ultrahigh Thermal Stability in Air"

20th International Summer School on Vacuum, Electron and Ion Technologies (VEIT2017)
25.–29. 9. 2017, Sozopol, Bulgaria
J. Vlček
PR−1 "High-rate reactive high-power impulse magnetron sputtering of stoichiometric oxide and tunable oxynitride films"

11th Anniversary Asian-European International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering (AEPSE2017)
11.–15. 9. 2017, Jeju, Republic of Korea
J. Vlček
T1-IV05 "High-rate Reactive HiPIMS Deposition of Stoichiometric Oxides and Oxynitrides with Tunable Composition"

T. Kozák, J. Vlček
S2-IV01 "Dynamics of Processes During the Deposition of Oxide Films by Reactive High-power Impulse Magnetron Sputtering ‒ A Modelling Study"

2017 IEEE 7th International Conference on Nanomaterials: Applications & Properties (NAP – 2017)
10.–15. 9. 2017, Zatoka, Ukraine
J. Musil
O2.12 "Flexible Nanocomposite Coatings: Role of Energy"

33rd International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases (ICPIG2017)
9.–14. 7. 2017, Estoril, Portugal
P. Baroch , J. Vlček, J. Musil
Topic number 8 "Specific plasma phenomena in magnetron sputtering systems"

5th International Workshop on Solution Plasma and Molecular Technologies (SPM-5)
25.–29. 6. 2017, Greifswald, Germany
P. Baroch , T. Tölg, S. Haviar
I 1 "Nanoparticles formation by low intensity plasma discharge in liquid"

6th Annual World Congress on Advanced Materials - 2017 (WCAM-2017)
14.–16. 6. 2017, Xi´an, China
J. Musil
"Flexible multi-functional nanocomposite coatings"

8th Power Electronics for Plasma Engineering Conference (PE2 2017)
16.–18. 5. 2017, Zielonka, Poland
J. Vlček
"Reactive HiPIMS-effective method for deposition of oxynitride films with smoothly controlled composition"

41st International Conference and Exposition on Advanced Ceramics and Composites (ICACC 2017)
22.–27. 1. 2017, Daytona Beach, Florida, USA
J. Musil
ICACC-S11-012-2017 "Flexible ceramic coatings: Role of energy"

P. Zeman, J. Vlček, J. Musil
ICACC-S11-021-201 "New Multifunctional Ceramic Coatings: Properties and High-Temperature Behavior"


7th International Conference on Surface Engineering
22.–25. 10. 2016, Chengdu, Sichuan, China
 "Advanced hard nanocomposite coatings. Present state and trends"

J. Vlček
"Magnetron sputtered hard ceramic coatings with controlled electrical conductivity and ultrahigh thermal stability in air"

15th International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering (PSE 2016)
12.–16. 9. 2016, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany
J. Vlček
KN1100 "Magnetron sputtered hard ceramic coatings with high electrical conductivity and thermal stability in air"

8th Int. Conference On Technological Advances Of Thin Films and Surface Coatings (THINFILMS2016)
12.–15. 7. 2016, Singapore
J. Musil
"Advanced hard nanocomposite coatings: Unique properties and role of energy"

5th International Conference from Nanoparticles and Nanomaterials to Nanodevices and Nanosystems (5th IC4N 2016)
26.–30. 6. 2016, Porto Heli, Peloponnese-Greece
J. Vlček
"Hard Ceramic Coatings With High Electrical Conductivity and Thermal Stability in Air"

5th Annual World Congress on Advanced Materials 2016 (WCAM-2016)
6.–8. 6. 2016, Chongquing, China
J. Musil
"Flexible hard ceramic coatings"

7th Power Electronics for Plasma Engineering Conference (PE2 2016)
1.–2. 6. 2016, Freiburg, Germany
J. Vlček
"Reactive sputtering with bipolar technology based on reactive gas flow control"

43rd International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films (ICMCTF 2016)
25.–29. 4. 2016, San Diego, USA
T. Kozák, J. Vlček
F2-1 "Reactive High-Power Impulse Magnetron Sputtering: Modeling and Applications"

40th International Conference and Expo on Advanced Ceramics and Composites (ICACC 2016)
24.–29. 1. 2016, Daytona Beach, Florida, USA
J. Musil
ICACC-S11-012-2016 "Design of flexible ceramic coatings"


TACT 2015 International Thin Films Conference
15.–18. 11. 2015, Tainan, Taiwan
J. Musil
"Flexible Hard Nanocomposite Coatings"

AVS 62nd International symposium & Exhibition
18.–23. 10. 2015, San Jose, USA
J. Vlček, J. Rezek, P. Mareš
"Reactive high-power impulse magnetron sputtering and pulsed magnetron co-sputtering of multifunctional films" 

10th Anniversary Asian-European International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering (AEPSE2015)
20.–24. 9. 2015, Jeju City, South Korea
J. Musil
"Hard flexible coatings prepared by magnetron sputtering"

J. Houška, J. Kohout, Š. Zuzjaková, P. Mareš, R. Čerstvý, J. Vlček
"Transition metal based functional coatings: Effect of the choice of metal element"

7th International Conference on Smart Engineering of New Materials
22.–25. 6. 2015, Lodz, Poland
J. Musil
"Advanced hard flexible coatings prepared by magnetron sputtering"

6th Power Electronics for Plasma Engineering Conference (PE2 2015)
5.–7. 5. 2015, Ditzingen, Germany
J. Vlček, J. Rezek, A. Belosludtsev
"Pulsed reactive gas flow control for high-power impulse magnetron sputtering of oxide and oxynitride films"

42nd International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films (ICMCTF 2015)
20.–24. 4. 2015, San Diego, USA
P. Zeman, J. Vlček, J. Musil
B5-2-1 "Design and Properties of New Multifunctional Ceramic Coatings"

7th International Symposium on Advanced Plasma Science and its Application for Nitrides and Nanomaterials/8th International Conference on Plasma-Nano Technology and Science (ISPlasma/IC-PLANTS)
26.–31. 3. 2015, Nagoya, Japan
J. Musil
D3-I-01 "Flexible Hard Nanocomposite Coatings"

Workshop "Morphologie und Mikrostruktur Dünner Schichten und deren Beeinflussung"
12. 3. 2015, Dresden, Germany
J. Houška
"Molecular Dynamics Study of Growth of Oxidic Thin Films"


2nd International conference on Bioinspired Chemistry & Materials (Nice 2014)
15.–17. 10. 2014, Nice, France
J. Musil
"Flexible antibacterial coatings"

12th International Conference on Nanostructured Materials (NANO 2014)
13.–18. 7. 2014, Moscow, Russia
J. Musil
"Advanced hard nanocomposite coatings with unique properties"

13th International Ceramics Congress (CIMTEC 2014)
8.–13. 6. 2014, Montecatini Terme, Italy
J. Vlček, J. Rezek, J. Kohout
"Pulsed magnetron sputtering of novel multifunctional thin films and coatings"

5th Power Electronics for Plasma Engineering Conference (PE2 2014)
20.–22. 5. 2014, Warsaw, Poland
J. Vlček, J. Rezek
"Benefits of the controlled reactive high-power impulse magnetron sputtering of oxide and oxynitride films"

J. Rezek, J. Vlček, A. Belosludtsev
"Different process parameters controlling reactive high-power impulse magnetron sputtering of dielectric oxide films"

Conference and interactive workshop - Trends in advanced plasma surface modifications
19.–20. 5. 2014, Brno, Czech Republic
J. Vlček
"Vysokorychlostní reaktivní magnetronová depozice vrstev oxidů a oxynitridů"

2nd International Workshop on Solution Plasma and Molecular Technologies (SPM-2)
14.–16. 5. 2014, Soul, South Korea
P. Baroch, N. Saito
"New approaches for generation of solution plasma"

41st International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films (ICMCTF 2014)
28. 4. – 2. 5. 2014, San Diego, USA
J. Musil
"The 2014 R.F. Bunshah Annual Award and Honorary Lecture "Advanced Hard Nanocomposite Coatings with Unique Properties"

Plasma-assisted vapour deposition of oxide based thin films and coatings (72nd IUVSTA Workshop)
6.–11. 4. 2014, Schloss Seggau, Austria
J. Vlček, J. Rezek
"High-rate reactive high-power impulse magnetron sputtering of densified dielectric oxide films"

International Symposium on Plasma-Nano Materials and Processes
2.–5. 4. 2014, Suwon, South Korea
J. Musil
"Advanced nanocomposite coatings prepared by magnetron sputtering"

38th International Conference & Exposition on Advanced Ceramics & Composites (ICACC 2014)
26.–31. 1. 2014, Daytona Beach, Florida, USA
J. Musil
"Advanced hard nanocomposite coatings: Flexible and functional nanocomposites"


International Conference Nanomaterials: Applications & Properties 2013 (NAP-2013)
16.–21. 9. 2013, Crimea, Ukraine
J. Musil
"Advanced Hard Nanocomposite Coatings with Unique Properties"

The 12th International Symposium on Sputtering and Plasma Processes (ISSP 2013)
10.–12. 7. 2013, Kyoto, Japan
J. Musil
SP 1-1 "Hard nanocomposite coatings with unique properties prepared by reactive magnetron sputtering"

The 9th Asian-European International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering (AEPSE 2013)
25.–30. 8. 2013, Jeju, South Korea
J. Vlček, J. Rezek
"Formation of Oxide and Oxynitride Films Using High-power Impulse Magnetron Sputtering"

537th WE-Heraeus-Seminar
26.–28. 6. 2013, Dresden, Germany
J. Vlček, J. Rezek
"High-rate reactive deposition of oxide and oxynitride films using high-power impulse magnetron sputtering"

4th International Conference from Nanoparticles and Nanomaterials to Nanodevices and Nanosystems (IC4N 2013)
16.–20. 6. 2013, Corfu, Greece
J. Vlček
"Multifunctional Si–B–C–N Films With Ultra-high Thermal Stability"

International Conference on Power Electronics for Plasma Engineering (PE2)
28.–29. 5. 2013, Freiburg, Germany
J. Vlček
"High-rate reactive high-power impulse magnetron sputtering of dielectric oxide films"

27.–31. 5. 2013, Strasbourg, France
P. Zeman, J. Vlček, J. Musil
"High-temperature behavior of sputtered multi-element ceramic coatings"

1st International Symposium on Solution Plasma and Molecular Technologies (SPM-1)
6.–8. 3. 2013, Tokyo, Japan
P. Baroch, T. Tölg, N. Saito
I-01"Generation of solution plasma: ways towards stable plasma discharges"

36th International Conference & Exposition on Advanced Ceramics & Composites, Symposium 11-Next Generation Technologies for Innovative Surface Coatings (ICACC 2013)
27. 1. – 1. 2. 2013, Daytona Beach, USA
J. Musil
"Hard nanocomposite coatings: Thermal stability, oxidation protection and resistance to cracking"


3rd International Congress on Radiation Physics and Chemistry of Condensed Materials, High Current Electronics and Modification of Materials with Particle Beams and Plasma Flows
17.–21. 9. 2012, Tomsk, Russia
J. Musil
"Hard nanocomposite coatings: Thermal stability, oxidation resistance and toughness"

International Conference on Power Electronics for Plasma Engineering (PE2)
22.–23. 5. 2012, Warsaw, Poland
J. Vlček
"High-rate reactive deposition of multifunctional Ta–O–N films using high-power impulse magnetron sputtering"


15th International Conference on Thin Films (ICTF-15)
8.–11. 11. 2011, Kyoto, Japan
J. Musil
"Hard nanocomposite coatings"

AVS 58th International Symposium and Exhibition (AVS-58)
30. 10. – 4. 11. 2011, Nashville, USA
J. Vlček, J. Rezek, P. Steidl
SE+PS-ThA3 "Pulsed Magnetron Sputtering Systems for Reactive Deposition of Oxide and Nitride Films"

2nd European Master School 2011-2012 on Multicomponent Nanostructured coatings
10.–14. 10. 2011, Moscow, Russia
J. Musil
"Functional and Nanostructured Coatings"

1st International Conference on "Nanomaterials: Applications & Properties (NAP-2011)
27.–30. 9. 2011, Alushta, Ukraine
J. Musil
"Recent advances in hard nanocomposite coatings. Thermal stability and toughness."

The 8th Asian - European International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering (AEPSE 2011)
19.–22. 9. 2011, Dalian, China
J. Vlček
"Progress in High-Power Pulsed Magnetron Sputtering"

17th International Conference on Surface Modification of Materials by Ion Beams (SMMIB 2011)
13.–17. 9. 2011, Harbin, China
J. Musil
"Protective nanocomposite coatings prepared by magnetron sputtering"

10th International Conference on Reactive Sputter Deposition (RSD 2011)
8.–9. 12. 2011, Linköping, Sweden
J. Vlček, T. Kozák
“Modeling of high power impulse magnetron sputtering”

11th International Symposium on Sputtering & Plasma Process (ISSP 2011)
6.–8. 7. 2011, Kyoto, Japan
J. Musil, P.Baroch
OP 1-2 "High-rate reactive deposition of transparent oxide coatings using dual magnetron"

J. Vlček, J. Rezek, P.Steidl
SP 1-1 "Progress in high-power pulsed magnetron sputtering"

Potential and Applications of Thin Ceramic and Metal Coatings 2011 (PATCMC 2011)
6.–8. 6. 2011, Plzeň, Czech Republic
J. Houška
"How advanced calculations support material research: modeling of structures and properties of novel functional materials"

J. Vlček, P. Steidl, P. Calta, P. Zeman
"Pulsed magnetron deposition of high-temperature Si–B–C–N films"

6th China International Conference on Surface Enginering (C-ICSE)
10.–13. 5. 2011, Xi’an, P. R. China
J. Musil
"New advanced nanocomposite coatings for mechanical engineering"

E-MRS ICAM IUMRS 2011 Spring Meeting
9.–13. 5. 2011, Nice, France
J. Vlček
"High-temperature stable Si–B–C–N amorphous films for mechanical and optical interfaces"

3rd International Symposium on Advanced Plasma Science and its Application for Nitrides and Nanomaterials (ISPlasma 2011)
6.–9. 3. 2011, Nagoya, Japan
J. Vlček, P. Steidl, P. Calta, P. Zeman
"Pulsed magnetron deposition of high-temperature Si–B–C–N films"


10th International Conference on Modification of Materials with Particle Beams and Plasma Flows (10th CMM)
19.–25. 9. 2010, Tomsk, Russia
J. Musil
"Recent progress in hard nanocomposite coatings"

12th International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering (PSE 2010)
13.–17. 9. 2010, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany
J. Vlček, J. Lazar, J. Rezek, P. Calta, P. Steidl
"Two types of pulsed magnetron systems – characterization and application"

P. Zeman
"High-temperature stability and oxidation resistance of amorphous coatings based on nitrides"

University of Siegen
8. 6. 2010, Siegen, Germany
J. Vlček, P. Calta, P. Steidl, P. Zeman, R. Čerstvý
"High-temperature stable Si–B–C–N amorphous films for mechanical and optical interfaces"

Air Force Research Laboratory
4. 5. 2010, Air Force Research Laboratory, Dayton, USA
J. Vlček, P. Calta, P. Steidl, P. Zeman, R. Čerstvý
"High-temperature stable Si–B–C–N amorphous films for mechanical and optical interfaces"

1st International Conference on Fundamentals and Industrial Applications of HIPIMS (HIPIMS 2010)
6.–7. 7. 2010, Sheffield, UK
J. Musil, V. Šatava, P. Baroch
"Very-high-rate reactive deposition of thick, transparent silicon dioxide coatings by pulsed AC dual magnetron with molten targets"

2nd International EJC-PSE Workshop on Plasma and Electron beam Technologies for Protective Coatings (EJC-PSE 2010)
16.–17. 6. 2010, Kiev, Ukraine
J. Musil
"Recent progress in hard nanocomposite coatings for mechanical engineering"

Workshop on Potential and Applications of Thin Ceramic and Metal Coatings (PATCMC 2010)
26.–28. 5. 2010, Plzeň, Czech Republic
J. Musil
"Recent progress in hard nanocomposite coatings"

37th International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films (ICMCTF 2010)
26.–30. 4. 2010, San Diego, USA
J. Houška
"Advanced modelling of structures and properties of crystalline, nanocrystalline and amorphous N-based materials"

Joining and Welding Research Institute
15. 3. 2010, Osaka, Japan
J. Musil
"Recent progress in hard nanocomposite coatings: Mechanical properties, thermal stability and protection of substrate against oxidation above 1000 °C"

117th Technical Meeting of Division of Sputtering and Plasma Processes of the Vacuum Society of Japan
11. 3. 2010, Tokyo, Japan
J. Musil, V. Šatava, P. Baroch
"Reactive magnetron sputtering of thin films and advanced nanocomposite coatings"

J. Vlček, O. Novák, J. Rezek
"Film deposition using pulsed magnetron systems of several types"


International Workshop Seminar on “Synthesis and Commercialization of Advanced Nanostructured Materials and Coatings”
22. 10. 2009, Moscow, Russia
J. Musil
"Nanocomposite coatings with thermal stability and protection of substrate against oxidation above 1000 °C"

International Conference on Surface and Interface Science and Engineering (SISE 2009)
12.–18. 9. 2009, Lanzhou, China
J. Musil
"Nanocomposite coatings with thermal stability and protection of substrate against oxidation above 1000 °C"

European Congress and Exhibition on Advanced Materials and Processes
7.–10. 9. 2009, Glasgow, UK
J. Vlček, J. Čapek, P. Zeman, R. Čerstvý
"Oxidation protective coatings for above 1500 °C – amorphous or crystalline?"

E-MRS 2009 Spring Meeting
8.–12. 9. 2009, Strasbourg, France
J. Vlček, O. Novák
"Ion flux characterization in pulsed magnetron sputtering of metallic and TiO2 films"

17th International Colloquium on PLASMA PROCESSES (CIP09)
22.–26. 6. 2009, Marseille, France
J. Vlček
"High-power pulsed magnetron sputtering discharges: experiments and modelling"

6th Sheffield HIPIMS days Conference
1.–2. 7. 2009, Sheffield, UK
J. Musil
"Low-temperature high-rate magnetron sputtering of titanium dioxide films using pulsed dual magnetron"

1st International Workshop on Advanced Plasma Science and its Applications (ISPlasma 2009)
8.–10. 3. 2009, Nagoya, Japan
J. Musil
"Advanced sputtering discharges for deposition of thin films"


Nanotechnology International Forum
3.–5. 12. 2008, Moscow, Russia
J. Vlček, J. Čapek, P. Zeman, R. Čerstvý
"Hard amorphous Si–B–C–N coatings with ultra-high thermal stability"

57th IUVSTA Workshop on HiPIMS
12.–15. 11. 2008, Mons, Belgium
J. Vlček, K. Burcalová
"High-power pulsed magnetron sputtering: experiments and modelling"

Eifeler Werkzeuge GmbH
2. 9. 2008, Düsseldorf, Germany
P. Zeman, J. Čapek, R. Čerstvý, J. Vlček
"High-temperature stability of magnetron sputtered Si–B–C–N materials at temperatures up to 1700 °C"

5th HIPIMS (High Power Impulse Magnetron Sputtering) Conference
8.–9. 7. 2008, Venlo, The Netherlands
J. Musil
"Hard X-ray amorphous coatings with thermal stability and oxidation resistance above 1000 °C"

J. Vlček, K. Burcalová
"Efficiency of high-power pulsed magnetron sputtering: experiments and modelling"

5e Journees d'Etude sur les “Nouvelles Tendances en Procedes Magnetron et Arc pour le Depot de Couches Minces”
4.–5. 6. 2008, Lyon, France
J. Musil
"Recent advances in nanostructured films prepared by magnetron sputtering"

5th International Symposium on Functional Coatings and Surface Engineering (FCSE-2008)
1.–4. 6. 2008 Montreal, Canada
J. Vlček, J. Houška, S. Hřeben, J. Čapek, P. Zeman, R. Čerstvý
"Hard amorphous Si–B–C–N films with ultra-high thermal stability"

51st SVC Annual Technical Conference
19.–24. 4. 2008, Chicago, Illinois, USA
J. Vlček, J. Houška, S. Hřeben, J. Čapek, P. Zeman, R. Čerstvý
"Novel quaternary Si–B–C–N films with ultra-high thermal stability"


International Conference on Physical & Numerical Simulation (ICPNS 2007)
23.–27. 10. 2007, Zhengzhou, China
J. Musil
"Hard nanocomposite coatings."

International Workshop for Students and Young Researchers
23.–25. 10. 2007, Brno, Czech Republic
J. Vlček, J. Houška, J. Kalaš, Š. Hřeben, J. Čapek, P. Zeman, V. Peřina
"Reactive magnetron sputtering of hard Si–B–C–N films with a high temperature oxidation resistance"

6th Asian-European International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering (AEPSE 2007)
24.–28. 9. 2007, Nagasaki, Japan
J. Musil
KN0900 "Hard nanocomposite coatings: Present status and trends"

18th International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry (ISPC-18)
26.–31. 8. 2007, Kyoto, Japan
J. Vlček, J. Houška, Š. Potocký, J. Kalaš, S. Hřeben, J. Čapek, P. Zeman, V. Peřina
"Novel quaternary Si–B–C–N films prepared by reactive magnetron sputtering"

Symposium on Ionized Physical Vapor Deposition
28. 6. – 1. 7. 2007, Kolmarden, Sweden
J. Vlček
“Efficiency of high-power pulsed magnetron sputtering”

5th International Symposium on Advanced Plasma Processes & Diagnostics and 1st International Symposium on Flexible Electronics Technology
6.–7. 4. 2007, Suwon, Korea
J. Musil
F0-4 "Low-temperature reactive magnetron sputtering of oxides"

16th Symposium on Application of Plasma Processes (SAPP XVI)
20.–25. 1. 2007, Podbanske, Slovakia
J. Vlček, P. Kudláček, K. Burcalová, J.Musil
“High-power pulsed magnetron discharges for ionized high-rate sputtering of films”


iPlasmaNano 2024, the 13th international symposium on plasma nanoscience
15.–19. 09. 2024, Hamburg, Germany
T. Kozák, M. Farahani, A.D. Pajdarová
"Plasma diagnostics and modelling of NbC sputtering and deposition in HiPIMS discharges"

19th International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering (PSE 2024)
02.–05. 09. 2024, Erfurt, Germany
D. Kolenatý, S. Haviar, M. Zhadko, J. Rezek, J. Čapek, P. Zeman
OR2103 "Corrosion-resistant and electrically conductive Ti–Nb–O coatings for metal bipolar plates for PEM electrolyzers"

N. Kumar, S. Haviar, J. Čapek, K. Shaji, P. Zeman
OR0802 "Sputter deposited CuO-WO3 nanostructures for gas sensing application"

A.D. Pajdarová, M. Farahani, T. Kozák, J. Čapek
OR0107 "A reverse discharge during positive voltage pulses in bipolar high-power impulse magnetron sputtering"

P. Zeman, D. Thakur, M. Červená, J. Houška, S. Haviar, R. Čerstvý
OR1904 "Self-formation of dual-phase nanocomposite coatings within ternary Zr–Cu–B system"

FEMS Junior EUROMAT 2024
15.–18. 7. 2024, Manchester, England
M. Zhadko, R. Čerstvý, J. Čapek, D. Kolenatý, P. Baroch, P. Zeman
"Effect of Zr alloying on structure and properties of nanocrystalline Cu films prepared by magnetron sputtering"

M. Kaufman, S. Farrukh, J. Vlček
"Improved performance of thermochromic VO2-based coatings for energy-saving smart windows"

A. Kumar, S. Haviar
"Helium-assisted glancing angle deposition of thin films of TiCuOx and WOx for conductometric hydrogen sensing"

14th International Conference on Fundamentals and Industrial Applications of HIPIMS 2024
26.–27. 6. 2024, Sheffield, United Kingdom
T. Kozák, M. Farahani, A. D. Pajdarová
"Simulating the transport of atoms during HiPIMS deposition of NbC from a compound target"

M. Farahani, T. Kozák, A.D. Pajdarová, J. Čapek
"Effect of magnetic field on reverse discharge ignition in bipolar HiPIMS"

17th European Vacuum Conference (EVC-17)
17.–21. 6. 2024, Harrogate, United Kingdom
M. Kaufman, J. Vlček, J. Houška
"Smart VO2-based coatings for energy-saving windows"

Š. Zuzjaková, M. Červená, S. Haviar, J. Houška, P. Zeman
"W–Zr thin-film metallic glasses: Thermal behavior and evolution of properties"

30th Symposium on Plasma Physics and Technology (SPPT)
17.–20. 6. 2024, Prague, Czech Republic
D. Thakur, M. Červená, R. Čerstvý, S. Haviar, P. Zeman
S6"Magnetron sputtered W–Zr–Cu ternary thin film Alloys: A study of phase transition, mechanical and electrical properties"

A.D. Pajdarová, T. Kozák, J. Čapek
"Ground-state densities of Ti atoms and ions determined by Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy in HiPIMS discharges"

M. Farahani, T. Kozák, A.D. Pajdarová, J. Čapek
"Magnetic field effect on reverse discharge ignition in bipolar HiPIMS"

A. Kumar, S. Haviar, R. Čerstvý
"Helium-assisted glancing angle deposition of thin films of TiCuOx and WOx for conductometric hydrogen sensing"

K. Shaji, S. Haviar, P. Zeman, M. Procházka, R. Čerstvý, J. Čapek
"Effect of annealing on nanoparticle-based composite CuO-WO3 thin films for gas sensing"

6th DE-CZ nanoworkshop
10.–11. 6. 2024, Prague, Czech Republic
K. Shaji, S. Haviar, P. Zeman, M. Procházka, R. Čerstvý, J. Čapek
"Effect of annealing on nanoparticle-based composite CuO-WO3 thin films for gas sensing"

2024 Spring Meeting of the European Materials Research Society (E-MRS)
27.–31. 5. 2024, Strasbourg, France
D. Thakur, M. Červená, R. Čerstvý, S. Haviar, P. Zeman
#01254 "Magnetron sputtered W–Zr–Cu ternary thin film alloys: A study of phase transition, mechanical and electrical properties"

K. Shaji, S. Haviar, P. Zeman, M. Procházka, R. Čerstvý, J. Čapek
"Effect of annealing on composite nanoparticle-based thin films for improved hydrogen gas sensing"

50th International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films (ICMCTF 2024)
19.–24. 5. 2024, San Diego, USA
M. Kaufman, J. Vlček, J. Houška, S. Farrukh
MB1-MoA-10 "Strongly thermochromic VO2-based smart coatings for room-temperaturev applications prepared on glass"

J. Houška, P. Zeman
CM4-2-TuM-3 "Cu-Zr-Al thin film metallic glasses in a wide range of compositions and growth conditions"

P. Zeman, D. Thakur, M. Červená, J. Houška, S. Haviar, R. Čerstvý
MA5-1-ThM-8 "Self-formation of dual-phase nanocomposite coatings within ternary Zr–Cu–B system"


International Conference on Reactive Sputter Deposition 2023 (RSD 2023)
12.–13. 12. 2023, Leipzig, Germany
M. Farahani, T. Kozák, A.D. Pajdarová
OR13 "Understanding the ion and atom fluxes during HiPIMS deposition of NbC from a compound target"

6th Workshop on Electron and Spin Dynamics
8. 12. 2023, Paris, France
V. Janiš, V. Pokorný, Š. Kos
"Critical behavior in self-consistent conserving approximations of correlated electrons"

244th ECS Meeting
8.–12. 10. 2023, Gothenburg, Sweden
D. Kolenatý, J. Čapek, J. Rezek, P. Zeman
I01F-2133 "Corrosion-resistant and electrically conductive oxide coatings for metal bipolar plates for PEM electrolyzers"

J. Čapek, K. Shaji, S. Haviar, P. Zeman
M01-2923 "Deposition of composite nanoparticle-based thin films for gas sensing"

19th International Conference on Thin Films (ICTF-2023)
26.–29. 9. 2023, Burgos, Spain
M. Kaufman, J. Vlček, S. Farrukh
o09-04 "High-performance thermochromic YSZ/W-doped VO2/YSZ coatings for energy-saving smart windows"

D. Thakur, M. Červená, R. Čerstvý, S. Haviar, P. Zeman
o08-05 "Amorphous and dual-phase nanocomposite coatings within Zr–B–Cu system"

M. Zhadko, R. Čerstvý, D. Thakur, P. Zeman
o02-05 "Enhancement of properties of magnetron sputtered Cu films by Zr addition"

J. Houška, P. Zeman
o01-03 "Cu-Zr-Al thin film metallic glasses in a wide range of compositions and growth conditions"

K. Shaji, S. Haviar, R. Čerstvý, P. Zeman, J. Čapek
o02-06 "Deposition of multi-composite nanoparticle-based thin films for gas sensing"

23th International Summer School on Vacuum, Electron and Ion Technologies (VEIT'23)
18.–22. 9. 2023, Sozopol, Bulgaria
P. Baroch
"Magnetron sputtering technology – from the basics to the advanced concepts"

The 2023 Fall Meeting of the European Materials Research Society (E-MRS)
18.–21. 9. 2023, Warsaw, Poland
D. Kolenatý, J. Čapek, J. Rezek, P. Zeman
#00428 "Corrosion-resistant and electrically conductive oxide coatings for metal bipolar plates for PEM electrolyzers"

V. Janiš,V. Pokorný, Š. Kos
"Conserving approximations for the single-impurity Anderson model: Magnetic response and the Kondo scale"

3rd Plasma Thin Film International Union Meeting (PLATHINIUM 2023)
11.–15. 9. 2023, Antibes, France
M. Kaufman, S. Farrukh, J. Vlček
DEPO5-O2-135 "Pulsed magnetron sputtering of strongly thermochromic VO2-based coatings with a low transition temperature"

T. Kozák, M. Farahani, A.D. Pajdarová, A. Bahr, R. Hahn, H. Riedl, P. Zeman
PROC2-K1-088 "Studying the transport of atoms sputtered from a compound NbC target in HiPIMS discharges: plasma diagnostics and modelling"

P. Zeman, S. Haviar, M. Červená, A. Bondarev, R. Čerstvý
SURF3-O3-104 "Dual-phase nanocomposite coatings based on crystalline ZrN and glassy ZrCu"

17th European Congress and Exhibition on Advanced Materials and Processes (FEMS EUROMAT 2023)
3.–7. 9. 2023, Frankfurt, Germany
M. Zhadko, D. Thakur, P. Zeman, R. Čerstvý, 
#585 "Enhancement of properties of magnetron sputtered Cu films by Zr addition"

S. Haviar, T. Kozák, K. Shaji, T. Košutová, B. Prifling, V. Schmidt, J. Čapek
#614 "Synthesis and modelling of hydrogen gas-responsive nanoparticle-based thin films"

M. Kaufman, S. Farrukh, J. Vlček
#1124 "Strongly thermochromic YSZ/W-doped VO2/YSZ coatings for smart-window applications"

7th Central and Eastern European Conference on Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry (CEEC-TAC7)
28.–31. 8. 2023, Brno, Czech Republic
Š. Zuzjaková , M. Červená, S. Haviar, J. Houška, P. Zeman
"Tuning properties and behavior of W–Zr thin-film metallic glasses"

International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases (ICPIG XXXV)
9.–14. 7. 2023, Egmond ann Zee, Netherlands
A.D. Pajdarová, T. Kozák, J. Čapek
"Cavity ring-down spectroscopy in HiPIMS discharge during the sputtering of the titanium target"

3rd Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry Conference and 9th V4 (Joint Czech-Hungarian-Polish-Slovakian) Thermoanalytical Conference
20.–23. 6. 2023, Balatonfüred, Hungary
Š. Zuzjaková, M. Červená, S. Haviar, J. Houška, P. Zeman
"W–Zr thin-film metallic glasses: Thermal behavior and evolution of properties"

Thirteenth International Conference on Fundamentals and Industrial Applications of HIPIMS (HIPIMS 2023)
12.–15. 6. 2023, Venlo, Netherlands
M. Kaufman, J. Vlček, S. Farrukh
"Low-temperature reactive HiPIMS of high-performance thermochromic VO2-based coatings for energy-saving smart windows"

J. Vlček
"Deposition rate of the dielectric films prepared using reactive HiPIMS can be very high"

P. Zeman, S. Haviar, M. Červená, A. Bondarev, R. Čerstvý
"Dual-phase nanocomposite coatings based on crystalline ZrN and glassy ZrCu"

J. Čapek, K. Shaji, S. Haviar
"Preparation of multi-composite nanoparticle-based thin films for gas sensing"

EMRS Spring Meeting 2023
29. 5.–2. 6. 2023, Strasbourg, France
J. Houška, J. Rezek, R. Čerstvý
"Dependence of the ZrO2 growth on the crystal orientation: growth simulations and magnetron sputtering"

49th International Conference on Metalurgical Coatings and Thin Films (ICMCTF 2023)
22.–26. 5. 2023, San Diego, California, USA
T. Kozák, M. Farahani, A.D. Pajdarová, A. Bahr, R. Hahn, H. Riedl, P. Zeman
B8-1-WeA-8 "On the control of the composition of NbC films deposited by HiPIMS from a compound target: plasma diagnostics"

S. Haviar, T. Kozák, M. Meindlhumer, M. Zítek, J. Keckes, P. Zeman
E2-1-ThM-8"Measurements and simulation of mechanical behavior of amorphous and crystalline Zr(–Hf)–Cu thin-film alloys"


8th International Symposium on Transparent Conductive Materials and 12th International Symposium on Transparent Oxides and Related Materials for Electronics and Optics (TCM-TOEO 2022)
16.–21. 10. 2022, Hersonissos, Crete, Greece, + on-line
P. Baroch, J. Rezek, T. Kozák, K. Takenaka, Y. Setsuhara
O57/71 "Tunable properties of IGZO thin films prepared by reactive High Power Impulse Magnetron Sputtering (HiPIMS)"

J. Rezek, J. Szelwicka, J. Vlček, R. Čerstvý, J. Houška, M. Fahland, J. Fahlteich
"Transfer of the sputter technique for deposition of strongly thermochromic VO2-based coatings on ultrathin flexible glass to large-scale roll-to-roll device"

18th International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering (PSE 2022)
12.–15. 09. 2022, Erfurt, Germany
M. Matas, A. Farhadizadeh, J. Houška
OR1208 "Vacancies and substitutional defects in multicomponent metal diborides"

D. Kolenatý, G.-J. van der Kolk, T. Hurkmans, I. Dolchinkov, F. Schuivens
OR1002 "Coatings for metal bipolar plates for high durability PEM fuel cells and electrolyzers"

T. Kozák, A.D. Pajdarová
OR1304 "On density distribution of Ti atom and ion ground states near the target in HiPIMS discharge: cavity ring-down spectroscopy measurement and computer modelling"

A. Bahr, R. Hahn, T. Wojcik, T. Kozák, A. Kirnbauer, J. Ramm, S. Kolozsvári, E. Ntemou, E. Pitthan, D. Primetzhofer, P. Zeman, H. Riedl
OR0706 "Non-reactive HiPIMS deposition of Nb-C coatings"

J. Čapek, S. Haviar, K. Shaji
OR1003 "Nanostructured materials based on a mixture of CuOx and WOx nanoparticles for hydrogen-gas sensing"

M. Červená, S. Haviar, R. Čerstvý, J. Rezek, P. Zeman
OR1509 "Metastable single- or dual-phase structures in magnetron sputtered W-Zr thin-film alloys: properties and thermal behavior"

J. Houška, J. Rezek, R. Čerstvý
OR0804 "Dependence of the ZrO2 growth on the crystal orientation: growth simulations and magnetron sputtering"

S. Haviar, T. Kozák, M. Meindlhumer, M. Zítek, J. Keckes, P. Zeman
OR0803 "Measurements and Simulation of Mechanical Behavior of Amorphous and Crystalline Zr(–Hf)–Cu Thin-Film Alloys"

J. Rezek, J. Szelwicka, J. Vlček, R. Čerstvý, J. Houška, M. Fahland, J. Fahlteich
OR1701 "Transfer of the sputter technique for deposition of strongly thermochromic VO2-based coatings on ultrathin flexible glass to large-scale roll-to-roll device"

Applied Physics of Condensed Mater (APCOM 2022)
22.–24. 06. 2022, Štrbské Pleso, Slovakia
J. Musil, Š. Kos
"The use of strongly non-equilibrium processes in magnetron sputtering of hard protective films"

Twelfth International Conference on Fundamentals and Industrial Applications of HIPIMS 2022
15.–16. 6. 2022, Sheffield, UK
A.D. Pajdarová, T. Kozák, J. Čapek
"The use of strongly non-equilibrium processes in magnetron sputtering of hard protective films"

PE2: International Conference Power Electronics for Plasma Engineering
31. 05.–01. 06. 2022, Freiburg, Germany
J. Vlček
"Low-temperature scalable deposition of thermochromic VO2-based coatings for energy-saving smart windows"

Spring Meeting of the European Materials Research Society (E-MRS 2022)
30. 05.–03. 06. 2022, on-line
M. Červená, P. Zeman, J. Houška, M. Procházka, R. Čerstvý, S. Haviar, J. Vlček
O 1.4"Enhancement of high-T oxidation resistance and stability of hard and optically transparent Hf–B–Si–C–N films by Y or Ho addition"

J. Houška
"Maximum achievable N content in atom-by-atom growth of amorphous (Si)–(B)–C–N films"

48th International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films (ICMCTF 2022)
22. 05.–27. 05. 2022, San Diego, California, USA
M. Červená, S. Haviar, R. Čerstvý, J. Rezek, P. Zeman
"Metastable single- or dual-phase structures in magnetron sputtered W–Zr thin-film alloys: properties and thermal behavior"

T. Kozák
B8-1-ThM-2"Transport of ions and neutrals in HiPIMS studied by particle-based simulations"

Workshop on Plasma-Assisted Nanomaterials Engineering (PANE 2022)
10.–11. 02. 2022, Prague, Czech Republic, on-line
S. Haviar, N. Kumar, J. Rezek, P. Zeman
"Nanostructured thin-flm-based hydrogen gas sensors prepared by advanced sputtering Techniques"


8th Plasma Science and Entrepreneurship Workshop
8.–9. 11. 2021, on-line
T. Kozák
"Transport of ions and neutrals in high power impulse magnetron sputtering discharges studied by particle-based simulations"

Plasma Thin Film International Union Meeting (PLATHINIUM 2021)
13.–17. 9. 2021, on-line
Š. Batková, J. Čapek, T. Kozák, S. Haviar, P. Mareš
"Effect of exit-orifice size on Cu nanoparticles produced by gas-aggregation source"

M. Červená, P. Zeman, J. Houška, M. Procházka, R. Čerstvý, S. Haviar, J. Vlček
"Enhancement of high-temperature oxidation resistance and thermal stability of hard and optically transparent Hf–B–Si–C–N films by Y or Ho addition"

T. Kozák
"Transport of ions and neutrals in high power impulse magnetron sputtering discharges studied by particle-based simulations"

A. Pajdarová, J. Vlček
"Detection of trends in ground-state densities from optical emission spectroscopy data obtained during a controlled high-power impulse magnetron deposition of ZrO2 films"

European Congress and Exhibition on Advanced Materials and Processes (EUROMAT 2021)
13.–17. 9. 2021, on-line
M. Matas, M. Procházka, J. Vlček, J. Houška
"Characteristics of Hf(M)SiBCN (M = Y, Ho, Ta, Mo) materials: role of the M choice"

P. Zeman, M. Červená, S. Haviar, R. Čerstvý, J. Rezek, T. Dvořák
"Metastable structures in magnetron sputtered W–Zr thin-film alloys: properties and thermal behavior"

S. Haviar, J. Čapek, N. Kumar, Š. Batková
"Nanostructured Materials Based on Thin Films and Nanoclusters for Hydrogen Gas Sensing"

J. Houška
"Maximum achievable N content in amorphous nitrides"

N. KumarJ. Rezek, P. Baroch, P. Zeman, S. Haviar
"HiPIMS deposited Pd-WO3-x Thin Films with various Structure and Stoichiometry for Hydrogen Gas Sensing"

XXXII IUPAP Conference on Computational Physics (CCP 2021)
2.–5. 8. 2021, on-line
M. Matas, M. Procházka, J. Vlček, J. Houška
"Role of the M choice in Hf(M)SiBCN (M = Y, Ho, Ta, Mo) thin films: DFT, ab-initio molecular dynamics and experiment"

11th International Conference on HIPIMS (HIPIMS 2021)
16.–18. 6. 2021, on-line
J. Čapek, Š. Batková, J. Rezek, R. Čerstvý, P. Zeman
"Effect of positive pulse voltage in bipolar reactive HiPIMS on crystal structure, microstructure and mechanical properties of CrN films"

9th International Symposium on Funtional Cotings and Surface Engineering (FCSE)
14.–17. 6. 2021, on-line
J. Houška
"Maximum N content in a-CNx and other amorphous nitrides"

47th International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films (ICMCTF 2021)
26.–30. 4. 2021, on-line
M. Matas, M. Procházka, J. Vlček, J. Houška
"Characteristics of Hf(M)SiBCN (M = Y, Ho, Ta, Mo) Coatings: Role of the M Choice"

J. Čapek, Š. Batková, S. Haviar, M. Matas, J. Houška, F. Dvořák
TS401 "Bixbyite-based Ta-N-O film: A Promising Candidate for Water Splitting?"

P. Zeman, Š. Zuzjaková, R. Čerstvý, E. Meletis, J. Vlček
"Superior high-temperature behavior of amorphous coatings from quinary Hf–B–Si–C–N system"

J. Houška
"Maximum N content in a-CNx and other amorphous nitrides"

T. Bárta, J. Vlček, D. Kolenatý, J.Rezek, J. Houška, S. Haviar
"High-performance thermochromic VO2-based coatings prepared on glass by a low-temperature scalable deposition"

N. Kumar, S. Haviar, J. Čapek, Š. Batková, P. Zeman, P. Baroch
"Nanostructured CuO/WO3 Thin Films for Hydrogen Gas Sensing Prepared by Advenced Magnetron Sputtering Techniques"

J. Vlček, J. Houška
"Key importance of the Controlled Reactive HiPIMS for Low-temperature Preparation of Tunable Oxynitrides and Thermochromic Oxides"

Spring Meeting of the European Materials Research Society (E-MRS)
31.5.–04. 6. 2021, on-line
A.D. Pajdarová, T. Kozák, P. Mareš, J. Čapek
"Presence of a reverse discharge during long positive voltage pulses in a bipolar HiPIMS discharges"

J. Vlček
"Controlled reactive HiPIMS: Effective technique for low-temperature deposition of tunable oxynitrides and thermochromic oxides"

5th German-Czech Workshop on Nanomaterials
25.–26. 1. 2021, on-line
Š. Batková, J. Čapek, T. Kozák, S. Haviar, P. Mareš
"Effect of exit-orifice size on Cu nanoparticles produced by gas-aggregation source"


18th International Conference on Thin Films and 18th Joint Vacuum Conference (ICTF-JVC 2020)
22.–26. 11. 2020, on-line
Š. Batková, J. Čapek, J. Rezek, R. Čerstvý, P. Zeman
"Effect of positive pulse voltage in bipolar reactive HiPIMS on crystal structure, microstructure and mechanical properties of CrN films"

S. Haviar, J. Čapek, N. Kumar, Š. Batková
"Nanostructured Materials Based on Thin Films and Nanoclusters for Hydrogen Gas Sensing"

4th International conference Functional Integrated Nano Systems (Nanofis)
2.–4. 11. 2020, on-line
S. Haviar, J. Čapek, N. Kumar, Š. Batková
"Nanostructured Materials Based on Thin Films and Nanoclusters for Hydrogen Gas Sensing"

PSE Satellite – Workshop on Plasma-Based Synthesis of Nanomaterials
10.–11. 02. 2020, Prague, Czech Republic
J. Čapek, Š. Batková, S. Haviar, M. Matas, J. Houška, J. Schusser, J. Minár, F. Dvořák
OR 10 "Structure and properties of bixbyite-based Ta–O–N films prepared by HiPIMS"


International Conference on Reactive Sputter Deposition (RSD 2019)
5.–6. 12. 2019, Braunschweig, Německo
T. Bárta, J. Vlček, D. Kolenatý, J. Rezek, J. Houška, S. Haviar
"Low-temperature deposition of high-performance thermochromic VO2-based coatings for energy-saving windows"

J. Houška, T. Kozák
"Distribution of O atoms on partially oxidized metal targets, and the consequences for sputtering of individual metal oxides"

5th Ed. Smart Materials and Surfaces
23.–25. 10. 2019, Lisbon, Portugal
J. Rezek, J. Houška, J. Vlček
"High-rate deposition of high-quality oxide layers using reactive high-power impulse magnetron sputtering "

Plasma Thin film International Union Meeting (PLATHINIUM 2019)
23.–27. 9. 2019, Antibes, France
T. Kozák, A.D. Pajdarová, J. Čapek, P. Mareš, M. Čada, Z. Hubička
PROC2-O2-066 "Understanding and influencing energies of ions incident onto substrate in bipolar HiPIMS discharges"

H. Riedl, S. Kagerer, L. Zauner, T. Wojcik, S. Kolozsvári, J. Čapek, T. Kozák, P. Zeman, P.H. Mayrhofer
DEPO5-O2-057 "Influence of transition metal dopants on the reactive HiPIMS deposition of γ-Al2O3 thin films"

European Congress and Exhibition on Advanced Materials and Processes 2019 (EUROMAT 2019)
1.–5. 9. 2019, Stockholm, Sweden
M. Procházka, F.A.F. Lahiji, J. Vlček, J. Houška, S. Haviar, R. Čerstvý
"Tunable Mo–O(–N) films prepared using reactive deep oscillation magnetron sputtering "

Z. Čiperová, J. Musil, R. Čerstvý, S. Haviar
"Flexible hard (Zr, Si) alloy films prepared by magnetron sputtering"

Š. Batková, J. Čapek, S. Haviar, J. Houška, R. Čerstvý, M. Krbal, T. Duchoň
"Photocatalytic Ta–O–N films prepared by reactive HiPIMS"

21st International Vacuum Congress 2019 (IVC 2019)
1.–5. 7. 2019, Malmö, Sweden
M. Procházka, F.A.F. Lahiji, J. Vlček, J. Houška, S. Haviar, R. Čerstvý
"Tunable Mo–O(–N) films prepared using reactive deep oscillation magnetron sputtering "

D. Javdošňák, J. Musil, Z. Soukup, R. Čerstvý, S. Haviar, J. Houška
2055-A-1902 "Tribological and mechanical properties and oxidation resistance of tungsten and tungsten nitride films at temperatures up to 500 °C"

S. Haviar, N. Kumar, Š. Batková, J. Čapek
2396-A-1902 "Nanocluster-Based Metal Oxide Films for Hydrogen Gas Sensing Prepared by Advanced Magnetron Sputtering Techniques"

10th International Conference on Fundamentals and Industrial Applications of HIPIMS 2019 & International Conference on Sputter Technology (HiPIMS-ST 2019)
19.–20. 6. 2019, Braunschweig, Germany
J. Vlček, D. Kolenatý, T. Bárta, J. Rezek, J. Houška, S. Haviar
"High-performance thermochromic VO2-based coatings prepared on glass by a low-temperature (330 °C) scalable technique"

2nd Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry Conference and 7th V4 Thermoanalytical Conference (JTACC+V4 2019)
18.–21. 6. 2019, Budapest, Hungary
M. Kotrlová, Š. Zuzjaková, P. Zeman
"Crystallization and oxidation kinetics of Zr–Cu and Zr–Hf–Cu thin-film metallic glasses"

The 15th International Symposium on Sputtering & Plasma Processes (ISSP 2019) 
11.–14. 6. 2019, Kanazawa, Japan
J. Vlček, A. Belosludtsev, J. Houška, S. Haviar, R. Čerstvý
TF3-2 " Reactive deep oscillation magnetron sputtering of Al–O–N films with tunable composition and properties"

37th Spring Meeting of the European Materials Research Society 2019 (E-MRS 2019)
27.–31. 5. 2019, Nice, France
M. Procházka, F.A.F. Lahiji, J. Vlček, J. Houška, S. Haviar, R. Čerstvý
N 3.5 "Reactive deep oscillation magnetron sputtering of Mo–O(–N) films with tunable composition and properties"

J. Rezek, J. Houška, T. Kozák, M. Procházka, P. Novák, A.D. Pajdarová
"High-rate reactive high-power impulse magnetron sputtering of In–Ga–Zn–O and ZnO:Al thin films: process and material"

J. Čapek, Š. Batková, J. Houška, S. Haviar, T. Duchoň, M. Krbal
H.1.2 "HiPIMS Deposition of Ta–O–N Coatings for Water Splitting Application"

P. Zeman, Š. Zuzjaková, R. Čerstvý, Y. Shen, E.I. Meletis, J. Vlček
"Superior high-temperature behavior of amorphous coatings from quinary Hf–B–Si–C–N system"

D. Javdošňák, J. Musil, Z. Soukup, R. Čerstvý, S. Haviar, J. Houška
N 7.4 "Tribological and mechanical properties and oxidation resistance of tungsten and tungsten nitride films at temperatures up to 500 °C"

46th International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films (ICMCTF 2019)
19.–24. 5. 2019, San Diego, USA
Š. Batková, J. Čapek, S. Haviar, J. Houška, R. Čerstvý, M. Krbal, T. Duchoň
F4-1-WeM2 "Structure optimization of Ta–O–N films prepared by reactive HiPIMS for more effective water splitting"

T. Kozák
F2-1-ThM5 "Process gas rarefaction and other transport phenomena in high power impulse magnetron sputtering discharges studied by particle simulations"

Z. Čiperová, J. Musil, Š. Kos, M. Jaroš
B1-2-MoA4 "Overstoichiometric Transition Metal Nitride Films"

M. Kotrlová, M. Zítek, P. Zeman
B1-3-TuM05 "On crystallization and oxidation behavior of Zr54Cu46 and Zr27Hf27Cu46 thin-film metallic glasses compared to a crystalline Zr54Cu46 thin-film alloy"

S. Haviar, J. Čapek, Š. Batková, N. Kumar
F1-TuM4 "Nanocluster-Based Metal Oxide Films for Hydrogen Gas Sensing"

S. Kagerer, L. Zauner, S. Koloszvári, J. Čapek, T. Kozák, P. Zeman, H. Riedl, P.H. Mayrhofer
F4-2-WeA6 "HiPIMS Deposition of γ -Al2O3 Thin Films using Transition Metal Doped Al Targets"

62nd Annual Society of Vacuum Coaters Technical Conference (SVC TechCon 2019)
27. 4.–2. 5. 2019, California, USA
J. Vlček, D. Kolenatý, J. Houška, T. Bárta, J. Rezek
LT10 "High-Performance Thermochromic VO2-Based Coatings Prepared on Glass by a Low-Temperature (330 °C) Scalable Deposition"

11th International Symposium on Advanced Plasma Science and its Applications for Nitrides and Nanomaterials (ISPlasma2019)
17.–21. 3. 2019, Nagoya, Japan
P. Baroch, J. Rezek, M. Procházka, J. Houška
"Advantages of reactive HiPIMS for preparation of tunable properties of IGZO thin films"

43rd International Conference and Exposition on Advanced Ceramics and Composites (ICACC 2019)
27. 1. – 1. 2. 2019, Daytona Beach, Florida
Š. Kos, J. Musil, G. Remnev
"Overstoichiometric TMNx>1 transition metal nitrides: New generation of coatings"


17th International Conference on Reactive Sputter Deposition (RSD 2018)
6.–7. 12. 2018, Ghent, Belgium
J. Rezek, J. Houška, T. Kozák, M. Procházka, P. Novák, A.D. Pajdarová
"High-rate reactive high-power impulse magnetron sputtering of In–Ga–Zn–O and ZnO:Al thin films at low substrate temperature"

8th Annual World Congress of Nano Science & Technology (Nano S&T-2018)
24.–26. 10. 2018, Postdam, Germany
J. Musil
" Advanced Hard Nanocomposite Coatings: Present State and Trends"

85th IUVSTA WORKSHOP - Nanoporous materials for green energy conversion and storage
14.–19. 10. 2018, Schloss Seggau, Austria
J. Čapek, Š. Batková, J. Houška, S. Haviar, T. Duchoň, M. Krbal
"HiPIMS deposition of Ta–O–N coatings with modified surface by metallic nanoclusters for water splitting application"

S. Haviar, J. Čapek, N. Kumar, Š. Batková, F. Dvořák
"Nanocluster-based Hydrogen Gas Sensors (CuO/WO3) Prepared by Advanced Magnetron Sputtering Techniques"

7th International Symposium on Transparent Conductive Materials and 4th E-MRS & MRS-J Bilateral Symposium
14.–19. 10. 2018, Chania, Greece
J. Houška, D. Kolenatý, T. Bárta, J. Rezek, J. Vlček
BS3-I12 "Design of high-performance VO2-based thermochromic coatings, and pathway for their low-temperature preparation"

J. Rezek, M. Procházka, J. Houška, P. Novák, T. Kozák
"Reactive high-power impulse magnetron sputtering of IGZO and AZO thin films"

16th International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering (PSE 2018)
17.–21. 9. 2018, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany
S. Haviar, N. Kumar, J. Čapek, Š. Batková, F. Dvořák, M. Fialová
OR1502 "Nanocluster-Based Metal Oxide Films for Hydrogen Gas Sensing"

P. Zeman, M. Zítek, M. Kotrlová, R. Čerstvý
OR0703 "Impact of alloying on properties and oxidation resistance of magnetron sputtered Zr–Hf–Cu based metallic glasses"

J. Vlček, D. Kolenatý, J. Houška
OR0703 "Controlled reactive HiPIMS – effective technique for low-temperature deposition of functional oxide films"


17th Joint Vacuum Conference (JVC 2018)
10.–14. 9. 2018, Olomouc, Czech Republic
Š. Batková, J. Čapek, J. Houška, S. Haviar, R. Čerstvý, T. Duchoň, M. Krbal
04 "Structure optimization of Ta–O–N films prepared by reactive HiPIMS for more effective water splitting"

Z. Čiperová, J. Musil, S. Zenkin, R. Čerstvý, S. Haviar
03 "(Zr,Ti,O) alloy films with enhanced hardness and resistance to cracking prepared by magnetron sputtering"

IUVSTA Workshop "New Horizons in Boron-Containing Coatings"
2.–6. 9. 2018, Vadstena, Sweden
J. Houška
"Role of boron in thin films of SiBCN and MSiBCN"

25th International Symposium on Metastable, Amorphous and Nanostructured Materials (ISMANAM 2018)
2.–6. 7. 2018, Rome, Italy
M. Zítek, P. Zeman, M. Kotrlová, R. Čerstvý
ID-234 "Impact of alloying on properties and oxidation resistance of magnetron sputtered Zr–Hf–Cu based metallic glasses"

9th International Conference on Fundamentals and Industrial Applications of HIPIMS (HIPIMS 2018)
27.–28. 6. 2018, Sheffield, UK
T. Kozák, J. Lazar
"Gas rarefaction in HiPIMS – comparison of a particle simulation and volume-averaged models"

D. Kolenatý, J. Vlček, J. Houška, T. Kozák
"Low-temperature (300 °C) HiPIMS deposition of thermochromic VO2 films with antireflection SiO2 overlayers"

J. Vlček, A. Belosludtsev, J. Houška, R. Čerstvý, S. Haviar
"Reactive deep oscillation magnetron sputtering of Al–O–N films with tunable composition and properties"

European Materials Research Society Spring Meeting 2018 (E-MRS Spring Meeting 2018)
18.–22. 6. 2018, Strasbourg, France
V. Šímová, J. Vlček, M. Kotrlová, R. Čerstvý, J. Houška
L 9.2 "Magnetron sputtered high-temperature Hf–B–Si–X–C–N (X = Y, Ho, Mo, Zr, Ta) films with controlled properties"

M. Jaroš, J. Musil, R. Čerstvý, S. Haviar
L.6.6 "Macrostress control in flexible Ti(Al,V)N films"

12th International Conference on Coatings on Glass and Plastics (ICCG 12)
11.–15. 6. 2018, Würzburg, Germany
J. Vlček
"Controlled reactive HiPIMS – effective technique for low-temperature deposition of functional oxide films"

8th Forum on New Materials (CIMTEC 2018)
10.–14. 6. 2018, Perugia, Italy
S. Haviar, J. Čapek
FC-2.7:03 "Nanocluster-based hydrogen Gas Sensors (CuO/WO3) Prepared by Advanced Magnetron Sputtering Techniques"

J. Rezek, J. Houška, M. Procházka, S. Haviar
FJ-2:L17 "In–Ga–Zn–O Thin Films with Tunable Optical and Electrical Properties Prepared by Reactive High-power Impulse Magnetron Sputtering"

14th International Ceramic Congress (CIMTEC 2018)
04.–08. 6. 2018, Perugia, Italy
P. Zeman, Š. Zuzjaková, R. Čerstvý, J. Vlček
CH-2:L03 "Superior High-temperature Behavior of Amorphous Coatings from Quinary Hf–B–Si–C–N System"

J. Čapek, Š. Batková, J. Houška, R. Čerstvý, S. Haviar, T. Duchoň
CH-5:L04 "HiPIMS Deposition of Ta–O–N Coatings for Water Splitting Application"

4th German-Czech Workshop on Nanomaterials
10.–11. 5. 2018, České Budějovice, Czech Republic
S. Haviar
"Nanocluster-based hydrogen gas sensors (CuO/WO3) prepared by advanced magnetron sputtering techniques"

45th International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films (ICMCTF 2018)
23.–27. 4. 2018, San Diego, USA
M. Procházka, V. Šímová, J. Vlček, M. Kotrlová, R. Čerstvý, J. Houška
B5-2-4 "Magnetron Sputtered High-temperature Hf–B–Si–X–C–N (X = Y, Ho, Mo) Films with Controlled Optical Transparency and Electrical Conductivity"

J. Vlček, A. Belosludtsev, J. Houška, R. Čerstvý, S. Haviar
F2-2-4 "Reactive High-power Impulse Magnetron Sputtering of Al–O–N Films with Tunable Composition and Properties"

J. Houška, T. Kozák
TS4-4 "Distribution of O Atoms on Partially Oxidized Metal Surfaces According to Ab-initio Calculations, and the Consequences for Sputtering of Individual Metal Oxides"

D. Javdošňák, J. Musil, Z. Soukup, R. Čerstvý, S. Haviar, J. Houška
E1-1-4 "Tribological Properties and Oxidation Resistance of WNx Thin Films at High Temperatures up to 500 °C"

P. Zeman, Š. Zuzjaková, J. Vlček, J. Rezek, R. Čerstvý, J. Houška, S. Haviar
F4-1-4 "Thermal Stability of Structure and Enhanced Properties of Zr–Ta–O Films with Low and High Ta Content"

J. Čapek, Š. Batková, J. Houška, S. Haviar, T. Duchoň
F4-2-5 "HiPIMS Deposition of Ta–O–N Coatings for Water Splitting Application"

Y. Shen, M. Zhang, J. Jiang, J. Vlček
A1-3-6 "TEM Study of Hf–B–Si–C–N Coatings Microstructure at High Temperatures"

10th Anniversary International Symposium on Advanced Plasma Science and its Applications for Nitrides and Nanomaterials / 11th International Conference on Plasma-Nano Technology and Science (ISPlasma2018/IC-PLANTS2018)
4.–8. 3. 2018, Nagoya, Japan
J. Musil, Š. Kos, M. Jaroš, R. Čerstvý, S. Haviar, S. Zenkin, Z. Čiperová
06aB01O "Overstoichiometric Transition-metal Nitride Coatings: Is Magnetron Sputtering a Way to form Hard Dinitride Coatings?"


16th International Conference on Reactive Sputter Deposition (RSD 2017) 
4.–6. 12. 2017, Plzeň, Czech Republic
P. Novák, J. Briscoe, T. Kozák, M. Kolega, J. Savková
WR1 "The role of oxygen in sputtered AZO and ZnO films used for ZnO nanorodbased device"

D. Kolenatý, J. Vlček, T. Kozák, J. Houška, R. Čerstvý
MR1 "Controlled reactive HiPIMS – Effective technique for low-temperature (300 °C) synthesis of VO2 films with semiconductor-to-metal transition"

M. Jaroš, J. Musil
TR3 "Plasma and floating potentials in magnetron discharges"

T. Kozák, J. Vlček
TR9 "Modelling the dynamics of processes in reactive HiPIMS deposition of oxide films"

European Congress and Exhibition on Advanced Materials and Processes (EUROMAT 2017) 
17.–22. 9. 2017, Thessaloniki, Greece
D. Kolenatý, J. Vlček, T. Kozák, J. Houška, R. Čerstvý
C1-O-WED-AM2 "Controlled reactive HiPIMS of thermochromic VO2 films at a low deposition temperature (300 °C)"

S. Haviar, M. Fialová, Š. Batková, J. Čapek, R. Čerstvý, T. Duchoň
E1-O-TUE-PM2 "Sputter-deposited Nanostructured Metal-Oxide Films for Hydrogen Gas Sensing"

V. Šímová, J. Vlček, Š. Zuzjaková, R.Čerstvý, J.Houška
C1-O-TUE-PM2 "High-temperature Hf–B–Si–C–N films with controlled electrical conductivity and optical transparency prepared by pulsed magnetron sputtering"

Š. Kos, S. Zenkin, J. Musil
C1-O-TUE-PM2 "Intrinsic hydrophobicity of thin films of ceramics based on low-electronegativity metals prepared by magnetron sputtering"

M. Jaroš, J. Musil, R. Čerstvý, S. Haviar
C1-O-TUE-AM2 "Stress reduction in hard Ti(Al,V)N films resistant to cracking by energy delivered during their growth"

The 14th International Symposium on Sputtering & Plasma Processes (ISSP 2017) 
5.–7. 7. 2017, Kanazawa, Japan
J. Čapek, S. Kadlec
"Return of Target Material Ions leads to a Reduced Hysteresis in Reactive High Power Impulse Magnetron Sputtering"

N. Britun, A. Belosludtsev, S. Konstantinidis, A. Hecimovic, R. Snyders
FS1-1 "In-situ diagnostics of high-power impulse magnetron sputtering: from spokes and non-reactive sputtering to reactive sputtering"

24th International Symposium on Metastable, Amorphous and Nanostructured Materials (ISMANAM 2017) 
18.–23. 6. 2017, Donostia-San Sebastian, Spain
P. Zeman, M. Zítek, Š. Zuzjaková, R. Čerstvý, S. Haviar, M. Kotrlová
MG-38O "Tuning mechanical and thermal properties of magnetron sputtered Zr–Hf–Cu metallic glasses"

P. Zeman, Š. Zuzjaková, R. Čerstvý, J. Vlček
PP-02O "Superior high-temperature behavior of nanostructured and amorphous coatings from quinary Hf–B–Si–C–N system"

8th International Conference on Fundamentals and Industrial Applications of HIPIMS (HIPIMS 2017) 
13.–14. 6. 2017, Braunschweig, Germany
T. Kozák, J. Vlček
"The role of metal implantation in reactive high power impulse magnetron sputtering"

J. Vlček, A. Belosludtsev, J. Houška, J. Rezek
"High-rate reactive HiPIMS deposition of Hf–O–N films with smoothly controlled composition"

E-MRS 2017 Spring Meeting 
22.–26. 5. 2017, Strasbourg, France
J. Rezek, J. Vlček, J. Houška, J. Čapek, P. Baroch
"A significant enhancement of the deposition rate in reactive ac magnetron sputtering of highly optically transparent ZrO2 films"

P. Zeman, M. Zítek, Š. Zuzjaková, R. Čerstvý, S. Haviar, M. Kotrlová
"Properties and thermal behavior of magnetron sputtered Zr–Cu and Zr–Hf–Cu metallic glasses"

J. Čapek, Š. Batková, S. Haviar, J. Houška, T. Duchoň
"HiPIMS deposition of Ta–O–N coatings for water splitting application"

60th Annual Technical Conference (SVC TECHCON 2017)
29. 4. – 4. 5. 2017, Providence RI, USA
J. Rezek, J. Vlček, J. Houška, J. Čapek, P. Baroch
"Feed-back Pulsed Reactive Gas Flow Control: A Simple and Cheap Method for High-rate Reactive AC Magnetron Sputtering of High-quality ZrO2 Films"

44th International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films (ICMCTF 2017)
24.–28. 4. 2017, San Diego, USA
J. Čapek, Š. Batková, S. Haviar, J. Houška
F4-2-4 "HiPIMS Deposition of Ta–O–N Coatings with Modified Surface by Cu Nanoclusters for Water Splitting Application"

J. Vlček, A. Belosludtsev, S. Haviar, J. Houška, R. Čerstvý, J. Rezek
F4-1-9 "High-rate Reactive High-power Impulse Magnetron Sputtering of Hf–O–N Films with Tunable Composition and Properties"

V. Šímová, J. Vlček, Š. Zuzjaková, R. Čerstvý, J. Houška
B5-1-3 "Magnetron Sputtered High-Temperature Hf–B–Si–C–N Films with Controlled Electrical Conductivity and Optical Transparency"

M. Zítek, P. Zeman, Š. Zuzjaková, R. Čerstvý, S. Haviar, M. Kotrlová
B1-1-5 "Mechanical and Thermal Behavior of Magnetron Sputtered Zr–Cu and Zr–Hf–Cu Metallic Glasses"

J. Houška
B6-9 "Development of Reliable Interaction Potential for and Results of Molecular Dynamics Simulations of ZrO2 Film Growth"

D. Kolenatý J. Vlček, T. Kozák, J. Houška, R. Čerstvý
F2-1-5 "Controlled reactive HiPIMS – effective technique for low-temperature (300 °C) synthesis of VO2 films with semiconductor-to-metal transition"

M. Jaroš J. Musil, R. Čerstvý, S. Haviar
B5-2-2 "Effect of energy on structure, microstructure and enhanced resistance to cracking of hard sputter deposited Ti(Ni)Nx and Ti(Al,V)Nx films"


15th International Conference on Reactive Sputter Deposition 2016 (RSD 2016)
1.2. 12. 2016, Ghent, Belgium
V. Šímová, J. Vlček, Š. Zuzjaková, R. Čerstvý, J.Houška
"Magnetron sputtered high-temperature Hf–B–Si–C–N films with controlled electrical conductivity and optical transparency"

A. Belosludtsev, J. Vlček, J. Houška, R. Čerstvý, S. Haviar
"Reactive high-power impulse magnetron sputtering of Al–O–N films with tunable composition and properties"

J. Čapek, Š. Batková, J. Houška, S. Haviar, T. Duchoň
"HiPIMS deposition of Ta–O–N coatings with modified surface by Cu nanoclusters for water splitting"

N. Britun, A. Belosludtsev, S. Konstantinidis, T. Silva, R. Snyders
"Quantitative study of reactive HiPIMS discharge: the dynamics of the O ground state atoms"

6th International Symposium on Transparent Conductive Materials (TCM)
9.13. 10. 2016, Platanias – Chania, Greece
P. Baroch, J. Rezek, T. Kozák, J. Houška
 "Comparison of HiPIMS and conventional sputtering methods used for preparation of transparent IGZO thin films"

69th Annual Gaseous Electronics Conference
10.14. 10. 2016 Bochum, Germany
T. Kozák, J. Vlček
TR2.00005  "Reactive high power impulse magnetron sputtering: combining simulation and experiment"

15th International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering (PSE 2016)
12.16. 9. 2016, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany
Š. Zuzjaková, P. Zeman, J. Rezek, J. Vlček, R. Čerstvý, S. Haviar
OR0204 "Thermal stability of structure and properties of ternary Zr–Ta–O films with low and high tantalum content"

P. Zeman, M. Zitek, S. Zuzjakova, R. Cerstvy, S. Haviar
OR1201 "Amorphous Zr–Cu metallic alloys prepared by magnetron co-sputtering"

A. Belosludtsev, J. Vlček, S. Haviar, J. Houška, R. Čerstvý, J. Rezek
OR1801 "High-rate reactive high-power impulse magnetron sputtering of Hf–O–N films with tunable composition and properties"

6th International Congress on Ceramics
21.25. 8. 2016, Dresden, Germany
J. Vlček
"Hard ceramic coatings with high electrical conductivity and thermal stability in air at elevated temperatures"

Seventh International Conference on Fundamentals and Industrial Applications of HIPIMS 2016 (HIPIMS 2016)
27.30. 6. 2016, Sheffield, UK
T. Kozák, J. Vlček
"Target and substrate composition in reactive high-power impulse magnetron sputtering ‒ a modelling study"

A. D. Pajdarová, J. Vlček, J. Rezek
"Optical emission spectroscopy of a controlled reactive HiPIMS during a high-rate deposition of densified stoichiometric ZrO2 films"

A. Belosludtsev, J. Vlček, S. Haviar, J. Houška, R. Čerstvý, J. Rezek
"High-rate reactive high-power impulse magnetron sputtering of Hf–O–N films with tunable composition and properties"

27th Symposium on Plasma Physics and Technology (SPPT 2016)
20.23. 6. 2016, Prague, Czech Republic
M. Jaroš, J. Musil, R. Čerstvý, S. Haviar
"Flexible hard Ti-based nitride films with enhanced resistance to cracking"

4th International Workshop and the 3rd International Mini Workshop on Solution Plasma and Molecular Technologies (SPM-4 and Mini SPM-3)
7.11. 6. 2016, Plzeň, Czech Republic
P. Baroch
A5 "New nanostructured thin-film materials prepared by plasma technologies"

J. Čapek, Š. Batková, J. Houška
"HiPIMS deposition of Ta–O–N coatings with modified surface by Cu nanoclusters for water splitting"

A. D. Pajdarová, J. Vlček, J. Rezek
"Time-resolved optical emission spectroscopy performed during deposition of ZrO2 films by controlled reactive high-power impulse magnetron sputtering"

D. Kolenatý, J. Houška, J. Rezek, R. Čerstvý, J. Vlček
MN2 "Reactive High-Power Impulse Magnetron Sputtering of Thermochromic VO2 Films at Low Deposition Temperatures"

A. Belosludtsev, J. Vlček, J. Houška, S. Haviar, R. Čerstvý, J. Rezek
MN4 "Reactive high-power impulse magnetron sputtering of ZrO2 films with gradient ZrOx interlayers on pretreated steel substrates"

M. Zítek, P. Zeman, Š. Zuzjaková, S. Haviar, J. Rezek
MN6 "Amorphous Zr–Cu thin-film alloys prepared by magnetron co-sputtering"

V. Šímová, J. Vlček, Š. Zuzjaková, R. Čerstvý, J. Houška, Z. Soukup, M. Procházka
MN9 "Magnetron sputtered Hf–B–Si–C–N films with high oxidation resistance in air above 1500 °C"

M. Jaroš, J. Musil, R. Čerstvý, S. Haviar
MN11 "Effect of energy on texture and enhanced resistance to cracking of sputter deposited Ti(Ni)Nx and Ti(Al,V)Nx films"

S. Zenkin, Š. Kos, J. Musil, A. Belosludtsev, R. Čerstvý, S. Haviar, M. Netrvalová
MN12 "Low-electronegativity metal-based hydrophobic hard ceramics"

7th International Conference on Spectroscopic Ellipsometry (ICSE-7)
6.10. 6. 2016, Berlin, Germany
J. Houška, J. Rezek, D. Kolenatý, J. Vlček
"Characterization of thermochromic VO2 thin films in a wide temperature range by spectroscopic ellipsometry"

3rd US International Conference on Surfaces, Coatings and Nanostrucutred Materials Technical Conference (3rd NANOSMAT-USA 2016)
18.20. 5. 2016, Arlington, USA
Š. Zuzjaková, P. Zeman, P. Mareš, M. Zhang, J. Jiang, E.I. Meletis, J. Vlček
NANO-33 "Extraordinary oxidation resistant Hf–B–Si–C–N film prepared by magnetron sputtering"

59th Annual Society of Vacuum Coaters Technical Conference
9.13. 5. 2016, Indianapolis, USA
J. Vlček, J. Rezek, A. Belosludtsev, T. Kozák
HP-5 "High-Rate Reactive High-Power Impulse Magnetron Sputter Deposition: Principles and Applications"

E-MRS 2016 Spring Meeting
2.6. 5. 2016, Lille, France
S. Zenkin, A. Belosludtsev, Š. Kos, R. Čerstvý, S. Haviar, M. Netrvalová
EE.7.12 "Thickness dependent wetting properties of thin films of ceramics based on low-electronegativity metals"

43rd International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films (ICMCTF 2016)
25.29. 4. 2016, San Diego, USA
J. Houška
B4-3-6 "Aging Resistance (12 years) of Hard and Oxidation Resistant SiBCN Coatings"

J. Čapek, S. Kadlec
F2-6 "The Origin of the Suppressed Hysteresis in HiPIMS: Experiment and Model"

A. Belosludtsev, J. Vlček, J. Houška, S. Haviar, R. Čerstvý, J. Rezek
F2-4 "Reactive High-power Impulse Magnetron Sputtering of ZrO2 Films with Gradient ZrOx Interlayers on Pretreated Steel Substrates"

P. Zeman, M. Zítek, Š. Zuzjaková, R. Čerstvý, S. Haviar
B1-4-2 "Amorphous Zr/Cu-Based Thin-Film Alloys Prepared by Magnetron Co-Sputtering"


4th Magnetron, Ion processing and Arc Technologies European Conference and 14th International Symposium on Reactive Sputter Deposition (MIATEC and RSD)
8.11. 12. 2015, Paris, France
A. Belosludtsev, J. Vlček, J. Houška, S. Haviar, R. Čerstvý, J. Rezek
O5.9-042 "Reactive high-power impulse magnetron sputtering of ZrO2 films with gradient ZrOx interlayers on pretreated steel substrates"

J. Čapek, S. Kadlec
O3.7-080 "A model of reactive HIPIMS applied to bipolar dual magnetron HIPIMS deposition of oxides and nitrides of Ti"

M. Jaroš, J. Musil, R. Čerstvý, S. Haviar
O7.4-028 "Effect of energy on texture and enhanced resistance to cracking of sputter deposited Ti(Ni)Nx and Ti(Al,V)Nx films"

T. Kozák, J. Vlček
O3.5-033 "Dynamics of processes during reactive high-power impulse magnetron sputtering of zirconium dioxide films"

J. Procházka, J. Musil, R. Čerstvý, S. Haviar
O5.7-048 "Interrelationships between mechanical properties and resistance to cracking of magnetron sputterded Al–Si–N Films"

J. Vlček, J. Rezek, A. Belosludtsev, T. Kozák
O4.1008 "High-rate reactive high-power impulse magnetron sputtering of oxide films"

P. Zeman, Š. Zuzjaková, P. Mareš, R. Čerstvý, J. Houška, J. Vlček
O5.1-066 "Superior high-temperature behavior of ceramic Hf–B–Si–C–N films"

S. Zenkin, Š. Kos, J. Musil
O5.5-027 "Hydrophobicity of thin films of compounds of low-electronegativity metals"

IUVSTA Workshop "New horizons in oxynitride thin films: from synthesis to applications"
5.9. 10. 2015, Braga, Portugal
J. Houška, J. Rezek, J. Vlček, R. Čerstvý
"Tantalum oxynitride films with smoothly tunable composition, electronic structure and properties"

3rd Central and Eastern European Conference on Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry (CEEC-TAC3)
25.28. 8. 2015, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Š. Zuzjaková, P. Zeman, P. Mareš, R. Čerstvý, J. Vlček
OP 3.14 "High-temperature behaviour of novel ceramic Hf–B–Si–C–N films"

The 13th International symposium on sputtering & plasma processes (ISSP 2015)
8.10. 7. 2015, Kyoto, Japan
J. Vlček, J. Rezek, P. Mareš
"Pulsed reactive magnetron sputtering of novel multifunctional films"

T29th International Conference on Surface Modification Technologies (SMT 29)
10.12. 6. 2015, Lyngby, Denmark
P. Mareš, J. Vlček, J. Čapek, J. Kohout
"Pulsed magnetron sputtering of hard nanocrystalline conductive M–B–C–N (M = Ti, Zr, Hf) films"

6th International Conference on Fundamentals and Industrial Applications of HIPIMS (HIPIMS 2015)
10.11. 6. 2015, Braunschweig, Germany
J. Čapek, S. Kadlec
"A Model of Reactive HIPIMS Applied to Bipolar Dual Magnetron HIPIMS Deposition of Oxides and Nitrides of Ti"

T. Kozák, J. Vlček
"A parametric model for reactive high-power impulse magnetron sputtering"

J. Vlček, T. Kozák, J. Rezek
"Reactive high-power impulse magnetron sputtering of films – a process control and modelling"

3rd International Workshop on Solution Plasma and Molecular Technologies (SPM-3)
6.9. 5. 2015, Bangkok, Thailand
P. Baroch, T. Tölg, T. Kozák, A. D. Pajdarová, N. Saito
A-3 "Approaches to generate low intensity plasma discharges in liquids"

58th SVC TechCon
25.30. 4. 2015, Santa Clara, USA
J. Rezek, J. Vlček, A. Belosludtsev
"Controlled Reactive High-Power Impulse Magnetron Sputtering of Dielectric Oxide Films"

42nd International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films (ICMCTF 2015)
20.24. 4. 2015, San Diego, USA
J. Houška, J. Kohout, J. Vlček, P. Mareš, R. Čerstvý
B6-2-7 "Hard Nanocrystalline Conductive Materials MBCN (M = Ti, Zr, Hf) for Harsh Environments: Effect of the Choice of Metal Element"

J. Vlček, T. Kozák, J. Rezek
F2-2-6 "Controlled Reactive High-power Impulse Magnetron Sputtering ‒ Experiments and Modelling"

J. Procházka, R. Čerstvý, J. Musil
B5-1-4  "Interrelationships Between Mechanical Properties and Resistance to Cracking of Magnetron Sputtered (Ti, Al, V)Nx Nitride Films"

7th International Symposium on Advanced Plasma Science and its Application for Nitrides and Nanomaterials/8th International Conference on Plasma-Nano Technology and Science (ISPlasma/IC-PLANTS)
26.31. 3. 2015, Nagoya, Japan
P. Baroch,T. Tölg, A.D. Pajdarová
A6-O-14 "Generation of low intensity plasma discharges in liquids"


13th International Conference on Reactive Sputter Deposition 2014 (RSD 2014)
11.12. 12. 2014, Ghent, Belgium
J. Vlček, T. Kozák, J. Rezek
"Controlled reactive high-power impulse magnetron sputtering – experiments and modelling"

2014 MRS Fall Meeting
30. 11. 5. 12. 2014, Boston, USA
J. Houška, J. Kohout, J. Vlček, P. Mareš, R. Čerstvý
"Hard Nanocrystalline Conductive Materials MBCN (M = Ti, Zr, Hf) for Harsh Environments: Effect of the Choice of Metal Element"

American Vacuum Society 61st International Symposium and Exhibition (AVS-61)
9.14. 11. 2014, Baltimore, USA
J. Vlček, J. Rezek, J. Kohout
"Pulsed magnetron sputtering of novel multifunctional films"

5th International Symposium on Transparent Conductive Materials (5th TCM 2014)
12.17. 10. 2014, Platania - Chania, Greece
P. Baroch, J. Rezek, J. Houška
O-1184 "Deposition of transparent IGZO thin films by single and dual magnetron sputtering at dc and pulsed power modes"

16th International conference on thin films (ICTF 16)
13.16. 10. 2014, Dubrovnik, Croatia
Š. Zuzjaková, P. Zeman, P. Mareš, R. Čerstvý, J. Vlček
OR-47 "Tailoring of oxidation resistance and electrical conductivity of magnetron sputtered Zr/Hf–B–Si–C–N films by nitrogen addition"

14th International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering (PSE 2014)
15.19. 9. 2014 Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany
J. Houška
OR0104 "Molecular dynamics study of the growth of various crystalline phases of metal oxides"

J. Vlček, J. Rezek
OR0702 "Benefits of the controlled reactive high-power impulse magnetron sputtering of dielectric films"

P. Mareš, J. Vlček, J. Houška, R. Čerstvý, P. Zeman, M. Zhang, J. Jiang, E. Meletis, Š. Zuzjaková
OR1107 "Hard nanostructured Hf–B–Si–C films with high electrical conductivity prepared by pulsed magnetron sputtering"

P. Zeman, Š. Zuzjaková, P. Mareš, R. Čerstvý, J. Houška, J. Vlček
OR1602 "High-temperature behaviour of multi-element ceramic Hf–B–Si–C–N films"

Š. Zuzjaková, P. Zeman, R. Čerstvý, J. Blažek, J. Musil
OR2607 "Characterization of transformation processes in annealed alumina films with metastable structure"

5th International Conference on Fundamentals and Industrial Applications of HIPIMS 2014 (HIPIMS 2014)
30. 6. 3. 7. 2014, Sheffield, United Kingdom
J. Vlček, J. Rezek
"Benefits of the controlled reactive high-power impulse magnetron sputtering of dielectric films"

J. Rezek, J. Vlček, A. Belosludtsev
"Different process parameters controlling reactive high-power impulse magnetron sputtering of dielectric oxide films"

7th Symposium on functional coatings and surface engineering (7th FCSE-2014) 
15.18. 6. 2014, Montreal, Canada
P. Zeman, Š. Zuzjaková, P. Mareš, R. Čerstvý, J. Vlček
P5 "Oxidation resistant Hf–B–Si–C(–N) films with high electrical conductivity"

P. Baroch, J. Rezek, J. Houška
SOC4 "IGZO thin films prepared by single and dual magnetron sputtering"

41st International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films (ICMCTF 2014)
28. 4. 2. 5. 2014, San Diego, USA
J. Vlček, J. Rezek
"High-rate reactive high-power impulse magnetron sputtering of densified zirconium dioxide films"

P. Mareš, J. Kohout, J. Vlček, J. Houška, R. Čerstvý, P. Zeman, M. Zhang, J. Jiang, E. Meletis, Š. Zuzjaková
B5-1-1 "Hard Multifunctional Hf–B–Si–C Films Prepared by Pulsed Magnetron Sputtering"

J. Houška, S. Mráz, J. Schneider
B7-7 "Molecular Dynamics Study of the Growth of Various Crystalline Phases of Metal Oxides"

Plasma-assisted vapour deposition of oxide based thin films and coatings (72nd IUVSTA Workshop)
6.11. 4. 2014, Schloss Seggau, Austria
S. Kadlec, J. Čapek, J. Kousal, J. Vyskočil
"On the balance of powers delivered to magnetrons and of corresponding deposition rates in reactive bipolar pulsed HIPIMS of aluminium and titanium oxides"

P. Zeman, Š. Zuzjaková, Š. Kos, R. Čerstvý, J. Musil
"Transformation phenomena in metastable alumina coatings"

6th International Symposium on Advanced Plasma Science and its Applications for Nitrides and Nanomaterials/7th International Conference on Plasma-Nano Technology & Science
2.6. 3. 2014, Nagoya, Japan
J. Musil
"Advanced hard nanocomposite coatings with unique properties"


AVS 60th International Symposium and Exhibition (AVS-60)
27. 10. 1. 11. 2013, Long Beach, California
P. Baroch, J. Rezek, J. Houška, P. Ozimek, A. Klimczak
TF AS EM NS SS-ThM9 "Magnetron Deposition of IGZO Thin Films Utilizing dc, Pulsed dc and Bipolar Power Supply"

P. Zeman, Š. Prokšová, J. Kohout, P. Mareš, R. Čerstvý, J. Vlček
SE NS TF-ThA6 "Oxidation Resistant Zr/Hf–Si–B–C(–N) Films with High Electrical Conductivity"

19th International Vacuum Congress (IVC-19)
9.13. 9. 2013, Paris, France
J. Blažek, J. Musil, K. Fajfrlík, R. Čerstvý, Š. Prokšová
TF/SE-1-Or-5 "Antibacterial Cr–Cu–O thin films prepared by reactive magnetron sputtering"

J. Houška, S. Mraz, J. M. Schneider
TF-2-Or-2 "Molecular dynamics study of the growth of various crystalline phases of TiO2 and Al2O3"

Š. Prokšová, P. Zeman, J. Kohout, P. Mareš, R. Čerstvý, J. Vlček
SE-2-Or-3 "Effect of Si and N on oxidation resistance of magnetron sputtered Zr–Si–B–C–N films"

European Congress and Exhibition on Advanced Materials and Processes (EUROMAT 2013)
8.13. 8. 2013, Sevilla, Spain
P. Mareš, J. Kohout, J. Vlček, R. Čerstvý, Z. Soukup, Š. Prokšová
"Multifunctional Zr–Si–B–C–N films with enhanced wear and oxidation resistance prepared by pulsed magnetron sputtering"

2nd Central and Eastern European Conference on Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry (CEEC-TAC2)
27.30. 8. 2013, Vilnius, Lithuania
Š. Prokšová, P. Zeman, J. Blažek, R. Čerstvý, J. Musil
OP2.18 "Thermal stability and transformations in magnetron sputtered Al–Cu–O films"

4th Joint Czech-Hungarian-Polish-Slovak Thermoanalytical Conference
24.27. 6. 2013, Pardubice, Czech Republic
Š. Prokšová, P. Zeman, J. Kohout, P. Mareš, R. Čerstvý, J. Vlček
"Effect of Si and N on oxidation resistance of magnetron sputtered Zr–Si–B–C–N films"

4th International Conference on HIPIMS (HIPIMS 2013)
12.13. 6. 2013, Braunschweig, Germany
J. Rezek, J. Vlček, J. Houška, R. Čerstvý, T. Kozák, J. Kohout
"Reactive high-power impulse magnetron sputtering of optically transparent zirconium dioxide films"

40th International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films (ICMCTF 2013)
29. 4. 3. 5. 2013, San Diego, USA
J. Čapek, M. Hala, O. Zabeida, J. E. Klember-Saphieha, L. Martinu
F2-1-7 "Deposition Rate Enhancement in HiPIMS at Preserved Ionized Fraction of the Deposition Flux"

J. Houška
B7-1-5 "Advanced Modelling of Amorphous Ceramics"

J. Jílek, J. Musil, T. Tölg, R. Čerstvý
F4-1-5 "Two-phase Single Layer Al–O–N Nanocomposite Films with Enhanced Resistance to Cracking"

J. Sklenka, J. Musil, R. Čerstvý, R. Jílek
B5-2-5 "Hard Zr–Al–O Films with Enhanced Resistance to Cracking in Bending"

P. Stupka, Š. Prokšová, R. Čerstvý, P. Zeman
TS3-1-5 "Ti/Al Multilayer Coating Releasing Heat During Slow Thermal Annealing"

56th Annual Society of Vacuum Coaters Technical Conference (SVC TechCon 2013)
20.25. 4. 2013, Providence, USA
J. Vlček, J. Rezek, J. Houška, R. Čerstvý, T. Kozák, J. Kohout
HP-2 "High-Rate Reactive Deposition of Stoichiometric Zirconium Dioxide Films Using High-Power Impulse Magnetron Sputtering"


11th International Conference on Reactive Sputter Deposition (RSD 2012)
13.14. 12. 2012, Ghent, Belgium
T. Kozák
"Understanding the deposition characteristics of high-power impulse magnetron sputtering discharges from quantitative modelling studies"

J. Vlček
High-rate reactive deposition of stoichiometric zirconium dioxide films using HIPIMS

2012 MRS (Materials Research Society) Fall Meeting
25.30. 11. 2012, Boston, USA
J. Houška, Š. Kos, V. Petrman, P. Calta, J. Vlček
"Relationships between composition, structure and properties of thermally stable amorphous Si–B–C–N materials for mechanical and optical interfaces"

67th IUVSTA Workshop "High temperature amorphous and nanostructured ceramic coatings"
24.27. 9. 2012, Daresbury Laboratory, UK
J. Houška, J. Vlček, P. Zeman, J. Čapek, J. Kohout, P. Mareš
"Multielement (Zr)–Si–B–C–N high-temperature (up to 1700 °C) ceramics"

13th International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering (PSE 2012)
10.14. 9. 2012 Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany
P. Baroch, R. Jílek, L. Pecková, A. D. Pajdarová, J. Musil
OR0703 "Plasma drift effect in dual magnetron – fundamental properties and implications"

J. Kohout, P. Steidl, J. Vlček, R. Čerstvý, P. Zeman
OR2303 "Hard nanocrystalline Zr–B–C–(N) films with high electrical conductivity prepared by pulsed magnetron sputtering"

Š. Kos, J. Houška, V. Petrman, P. Calta, J. Vlček
OR2304 "A microscopic study of the electrical conductivity of hard and thermally stable SiBCN materials"

J. Sklenka, J. Musil
OR2405 "Hard Zr–Al–O films with enhanced resistance to cracking in bending"

J. Vlček, J. Rezek, J. Houška, R. Čerstvý
OR1203 "High-rate reactive high power impulse magnetron sputtering of multifunctional Ta–O–N films"

P. Zeman, Š. Prokšová, J. Kohout, P. Mareš, R. Čerstvý, J. Vlček
OR1907 "Effect of Si and N addition on oxidation resistance of magnetron sputtered Zr–B–C films"

15th International Congress on Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry (ICTAC 15)
20.24. 8. 2012 Osaka, Japan
Š. Prokšová, P. Zeman, J. Blažek, R. Čerstvý
IC-IM-OR-4D "Non-isothermal kinetics of phase transformations in magnetron sputtered alumina films with metastable structure"

3rd International Conference on High Power Impulse Magnetron Sputtering (HIPIMS 2012)
19.20. 6. 2012, Sheffield, UK
J. Rezek, J. Vlček, J. Houška, R. Čerstvý
 "High-rate reactive deposition of multifunctional Ta–O–N films using high power impulse magnetron sputtering"

25th Symposium on Plasma Physics and Technology (SPPT 2012)
18.21. 6. 2012, Prague, Czech Republic
P. Baroch, R. Jílek, J. Musil
S7-125"Plasma drift effect in dual magnetron"

Potential and applications of thin ceramic and metal coatings 2012 (PATCMC 2012)
28.30. 5. 2012 Plzeň, Czech Republic
J. Čapek, M. Hála, O. Zabeida, J.E. Klemberg-Sapieha, L. Martinu
"HiPIMS discharge understanding"

J. Kohout, P. Steidl, J. Vlček, R. Čerstvý
"Hard nanocrystalline Zr–B–C–N films prepared by pulsed magnetron sputtering"

P. Mareš
"Effect of nitrogen on mechanical properties and on oxidation resistance of Zr–Si–B–C–N films prepared by pulsed magnetron sputtering for low and high content of silicon"

55th Annual Society of Vacuum Coaters Technical Conference (SVC TechCon 2012)
28. 4. 3. 5. 2012, Santa Clara, USA
T. Kozák
HP-5 "Effect of the target power density on high-power impulse magnetron sputtering of copper"

39th International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films (ICMCTF 2012)
23.27. 4. 2012, San Diego, USA
J. Blažek, J. Musil, P. Stupka, R. Čerstvý, J. Houška
B1-1-1 "Properties of nanocrystalline Al–Cu–O films reactively sputtered by dc pulse dual magnetron"

J. Kohout, P. Steidl, J. Vlček, R. Čerstvý
B5-1-10 "Hard nanocrystalline Zr–B–C–(N) films prepared by pulsed magnetron sputtering"

J. Vlček, J. Rezek, J. Houška, R. Čerstvý
F2-2-3 "High-rate reactive deposition of multifunctional Ta–O–N films using high power impulse magnetron sputtering"

P. Zeman, Š. Prokšová, J. Blažek, R. Čerstvý, J. Musil
B4-1-2 "Cu-dependent thermal transformations in hard Al–Cu–O coatings"


10th International Conference on Reactive Sputter Deposition (RSD 2011)
8.9. 12. 2011, Linköping, Sweden
J. Blažek, J. Musil, P. Stupka, R. Čerstvý, J. Houška
"Properties of nanocrystalline Al–Cu–O films reactively sputtered by dc pulse dual magnetron"

T. Kozák
"Effect of the target power density on high-power impulse magnetron sputtering of copper"

15th International Conference on Thin Films (ICTF-15)
8.11. 11. 2011, Kyoto, Japan
J. Houška, Š. Kos, V. Petrman, P. Calta, J. Vlček
"Relationships Between Composition, Structure, Electronic Structure and Properties of Thermally Stable SiBCN Materials for Mechanical and Optical Interfaces"

Vrstvy a povlaky 2011
17.18. 10. 2011, Rožnov pod Radhoštěm, Czech Republic
J. Kohout, P. Steidl, J. Vlček, R. Čerstvý
D1 "Vliv dusíku na strukturu a vlastnosti tvrdých vrstev Zr–B–C–(N) připravených pulzní magnetronovou depozicí"

European Congress and Exhibition on Advanced Materials and Processes (EUROMAT 2011)
12.15. 9. 2011, Montpellier, France
Š. Kos, J. Houška
D31-O-2-3 0237 "SiBCN materials for high-temperature applications: Atomistic origin of electrical conductivity"

P. Zeman, J. Vlček, J. Musil
C41-O-3-4-H 1209 "High-temperature stability and oxidation resistance of Me–Si–N and Si–B–C–N coatings"

18th International Colloquium on Plasma Processes (CIP 2011)
4.8. 7. 2011, Nantes, France
P. Baroch, R. Jílek, J. Musil
1-126 "Effect of magnetic field configuration on discharge characteristics of dual magnetron"

2nd International Conference on Fundamentals and Industrial Application of HIPIMS (HIPIMS 2011)
28.29. 6. 2011, Braunschweig, Germany
T. Kozák, A. D. Pajdarová
"A non-stationary model for high power pulsed magnetron sputtering discharges"

J. Vlček, J. Rezek, J. Lazar, T. Koranda
"High-rate reactive deposition of non-conductive, highly optically transparent oxide films using high power impulse magnetron sputtering"

Potential and applications of thin ceramic and metal coatings 2011 (PATCMC 2011)
6.8. 6. 2011 Plzeň, Czech Republic
J. Blažek, R. Čerstvý, P. Stupka, J. Musil
"Effect of Cu content on structure and mechanical properties of sputtered Al–Cu–O films"

R. Jílek, M. Meissner, J. Musil
"Reactive magnetron sputtering of Al–O–N thin films using reactive gas pulsing"

E-MRS 2011 Spring Meeting
9.13. 5. 2011, Nice, France
Š. Kos, J. Houška
84NOC "SiBCN materials for high-temperature applications: Atomistic origin of electrical conductivity"

38th International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films (ICMCTF 2011)
2.6. 5. 2011, San Diego, USA
T. Kozák, A. D. Pajdarová
F2-1-3 "A two-zone model for high power pulsed magnetron sputtering discharges"

P. Zeman, Š. Prokšová, J. Blažek, R. Čerstvý, J. Musil
B1-2-10 "Thermal stability of magnetron sputtered alumina coatings with crystalline metastable structure"

54th Annual Society of Vacuum Coaters Technical Conference (SVC TechCon 2011)
16.21. 4. 2011, Chicago, USA
J. Vlček, J. Rezek, J. Lazar
HP-3 "High-Rate Reactive Deposition of Transparent Zirconium Dioxide Films Using High-Power Pulsed DC Magnetron Sputtering"


2. Workshop komunity PlasmaPoint "Tvrdé vrstvy a povlaky"
25. 11. 2010, Brno, Czech Republic
P. Zeman
"Oxidační odolnost a teplotní stabilita tvrdých amorfních vrstev na bázi nitridů"

1st Conference on potential and applications of surface nanotreatment of polymers and glass (PASNPG 2010)
25.27. 10. 2010, Blansko, Czech Republic
P. Baroch
1-126"Effect of substrate conductivity on surface morphology of thin films prepared by magnetron sputtering"

12th International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering (PSE 2010)
13.17. 9. 2010, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany
J. Musil, V. Šatava, P. Baroch
"Very-high-rate reactive deposition of thick, transparent oxide coatings by pulsed AC dual magnetron with molten targets"

1st International Conference of Fundamentals and Industrial Applications of HIPIMS (HIPIMS 2010)
6.7. 7. 2010, Sheffield, UK
J. Vlček, J. Lazar, J. Rezek, P. Calta, P. Steidl
"Two types of pulsed magnetron systems – characterization and application"

Conference on Computational Physics (CCP 2010)
23.26. 6. 2010, Trondheim, Norway
J. Houška
"How advanced calculations support material research: modelling of structures and properties of novel functional materials"

Magnetron, Ion processing & Arc Technologies European Conference (MIATEC 2010)
15.18. 6. 2010, Metz, France
J. Lazar, J. Rezek, J. Vlček
"Ion flux characteristics an efficiency of the deposition processes in high power impulse magnetron"

J. Vlček, O. Novák, J. Rezek
"Film deposition using pulsed magnetron systems of several types"

Potential and Applications of Thin Ceramic and Metal Coatings 2010 (PATCMC 2010)
26.28. 5. 2010, Plzeň, Czech Republic
J. Blažek, J. Musil, P. Zeman, R. Čerstvý, Š. Prokšová, M. Šašek
"Influence of annealing time and temperature on thermal stability of magnetron sputtered Al2O3 films"

P. Calta, P. Steidl, J. Vlček, P. Zeman
"Hard amorphous Si–B–C–N coatings with high thermal stability and oxidation resistance prepared by pulsed magnetron sputtering"

J. Houška, J.E. Klemberg-Sapieha, L. Martinu
"Atom-by-atom simulations of chemical vapor deposition of nanoporous SiNH"

J. Lazar, J. Rezek, J. Vlček
"Characteristics of ion flux in high power impulse magnetron sputtering of zirconium"

O. Novák, J. Šícha, J.Vlček
"Ion bombardment characteristics of pulsed dual magnetron discharge used for deposition of photoactive TiO2 films"

V. Šatava, J. Musil and P.Baroch
"High-rate reactive deposition of transparent SiO2 films containing low amount of Zr from molten magnetron target"

37th International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films (ICMCTF 2010)
26.30. 4. 2010, San Diego, USA
J. Rezek, J. Lazar, J. Vlček
"High Power Impulse Magnetron sputtering of Zirconium"

P. Zeman, Š. Prokšová, R. Čerstvý, J. Vlček
"High-temperature behavior of magnetron sputtered Si–B–C–N materials far above 1000 °C"

53rd Annual Society of Vacuum Coaters Technical Conference (SVC TechCon 2010)
17.22. 4. 2010, Orlando, USA
J. Lazar
HP-4 "Characterization of High Power Impulse Magnetron sputtering of Zirconium"

O. Novák, J. Šícha, J.Vlček
P-1 "Ion-bombardment characteristics during deposition of photoactive TiO2 films using a pulsed dual magnetron"


17th International Colloquium on Plasma Processes (CIP 2009)
22.26. 6. 2009, Marseille, France
J. Lazar, J. Rezek, J. Vlček
"High Power Impulse Magnetron sputtering of Zirconium"

E-MRS 2009 Spring Meeting
8.12. 6. 2009 Strasbourg, France
P. Zeman, J. Čapek, R. Čerstvý, J. Vlček
PO10-2 "Thermal stability of magnetron sputtered Si–B–C–N materials at temperatures up to 1700 °C"

52nd Annual Society of Vacuum Coaters Technical Conference (SVC TechCon 2009)
11.14. 5. 2009 Santa Clara, USA
J. Vlček, B. Zuštin, J. Rezek, K. Burcalová, J. Tesař
HP-5 "Pulsed magnetron sputtering of metallic films using a hot target"

36th International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films (ICMCTF 2009)
27. 4. 1. 5. 2009, San Diego, USA
J. Houška, J.E. Klemberg-Sapieha, L. Martinu
B3-2-2 "Ab-initio calculations of the effect of Si and C on elastic properties of metal nitrides"

J. Šícha, P. Baroch, M. Meissner, R. Čerstvý, J. Musil
B1-2-4 "Low Temperature Deposition of Anatase TiO2 Film by Dual Magnetron Sputtering"

HPPMS/HiPIMS workshop
24. 4. 2009, Denver, USA
J. Vlček, B. Zuštin, J. Rezek
HP-5 "High-power pulsed magnetron sputtering using cooled and hot targets"

8th Japan-Australia Plasma Diagnostics Workshop
2.5. 2. 2009, Murramarang, Australia
O. Novák, I. S. Falconer, A. J. Studer, R. Sangines, M. Latteman, R. Tarrant, D. R. McKenzie, M. M. M. Bilek
HP-4 "Characterization of ion velocities in cathodic arcs by Fizeau interferometer"

17th Symposium of Application of Plasma Processes (SAPPXVII)
17.22. 1. 2009, Liptovský Ján, Slovakia
P. Baroch, Š. Potocký, N. Saito, O. Takai
"Characterization of High Frequency Bipolar Pulse Plasma Discharges Generated in Liquid Solution"


International Conference on Reactive Sputter Deposition 2008 (RSD 2008)
17.20. 11. 2008, Ghent, Belgium
J. Vlček, K. Burcalová
"Efficiency of high-power pulsed magnetron sputtering: experiments and modelling"

11th International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering (PSE 2008)
15.19. 9. 2008 Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany
J. Vlček, J. Houška, S. Hřeben, J. Čapek, P. Zeman, R. Čerstvý
OR2003 "Hard amorphous Si–B–C–N films with ultra-high thermal stability"

23rd Symposium on Plasma Physics and Technology (SPPT 2008)
16.19. 6. 2008 Prague, Czech Republic
J. Vlček, J. Houška, S. Hřeben, J. Čapek, P. Zeman, R. Čerstvý
S6 "Hard amorphous Si–B–C–N films with ultra-high thermal stability"

35th International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films (ICMCTF 2008)
28. 4. 2. 5. 2008 San Diego, USA
J. Vlček, J. Houška, S. Hřeben, J. Čapek, P. Zeman, R. Čerstvý
B6-4-6 "Hard amorphous Si–B–C–N films with ultra-high thermal stability"

P. Zeman, J. Čapek, R. Čerstvý, J. Vlček
A1-2-3 "Thermal stability of magnetron sputtered Si–B–C–N materials at temperatures up to 1700 °C"


2nd International Conference on Surfaces, Coatings and Nanostructured Materials (NANOSMAT-2)
9.11. 7. 2007 Alvor, Portugal
P. Zeman, J. Musil, J. Vlček, R. Čerstvý
"High-temperature oxidation resistance and thermal stability of amorphous Me–Si–N and Si–B–C–N films"

17th International Vacuum Congress (IVC-17)
2.6. 7. 2007, Stockholm, Sweden
J. Vlček, P. Kudláček, K. Burcalová
TFSE 02-Or3 "High-power pulsed magnetron discharges for ionized high-rate deposition of metallic films"

34th International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films (ICMCTF 2007)
23.27. 4. 2007 San Diego, USA
V. Ondok, J. Musil
C1-2 "Effect of hydrogen on reactive sputtering of transparent oxide films"

J. Šícha, D. Heřman, J. Musil
C1-7 "Photocatalytic Behaviour of Nanocrystalline TiO2 Films Sputtered at Low Temperature"

J. Vlček, K. Burcalová, P. Kudláček, B. Zuštin, O. Novák, J.Musil
H2-4 "Efficiency of High-Power Pulsed Magnetron Sputtering"


19th Joint Vacuum Conference (JVC-19)
29. 9.–04. 10. 2024, Split, Croatia
Š. Zuzjaková, S. Debnárová, M. Fekete, P. Zeman, P. Souček
"High entropy nitrides: High temperature study of Cr–Hf–Mo–Ta–W–N thin films"

2024 Fall Meeting of the European Materials Research Society (E-MRS)
16.–19. 9. 2024, Warsaw, Poland
D. Kolenatý, J. Čapek, J. Rezek, S. Haviar, P. Zeman
01222 "Corrosion-resistant and electrically conductive Ti–Nb–O coatings for metal bipolar plates for PEM electrolyzers"

19th International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering (PSE 2024)
02.–05. 9. 2024, Erfurt, Germany
M. Farahani, T. Kozák, J. Čapek
PO0105 "On bipolar HiPIMS pulse configurations to enhance energy and ion flux to insulating substrates"

M. Kaufman, S. Farrukh, J. Vlček
PO0304 "A low-temperature synthesis of strongly thermochromic W and Sr co-doped VO2 films with a low transition temperature"

A. Kumar, S. Haviar
PO0215 "Helium-assisted glancing angle deposition of thin films of TiCuOx and WOx for conductometric hydrogen sensing"

D. Thakur, M. Červená, R. Čerstvý, S. Haviar, P. Zeman
PO0619 "Magnetron sputtered W-Zr-Cu Ternary Thin Film Alloys: A study of phase transition, mechanical and electrical properties"

J. Koloros, J. Rezek, T. Kozák, P. Baroch
PO0305 "The effect of nitrogen doping on electrical and optical properties of Cu2O films prepared by high-rate reactive high-power impulse magnetron sputtering"

K. Shaji, S. Haviar, P. Zeman, M. Procházka, R. Čerstvý, J. Čapek
PO1605 "Effect of annealing on composite nanoparticle-based thin films for improved hydrogen gas sensing"

20th International Conference on Density Functional Theory and its Applications (DFT 2024)
25.–30. 8. 2024, Paris France
J. Y. Damte, J. Houška
"Tribo-piezoelectric Nanogenerators for Energy Harvesting: a first-principles study"

26th Europhysics Conference on Atomic and Molecular Physics of Ionized Gases (ESCAMPIG XXVI)
9.–13. 7. 2024, Brno, Czech Republic
A. D. Pajdarová, T. Kozák, M. Farahani, J. Čapek
"Reverse discharge in bipolar HiPIMS and its dependence on magnetic field geometry"

30th Symposium on Plasma Physics and Technology (SPPT)
17.–20. 4. 2024, Prague, Czech Republic
J. Koloros, J. Rezek, T. Kozák, P. Baroch
S4 "The effect of nitrogen doping on electrical and optical properties of Cu2O films prepared by high-rate reactive high-power impulse magnetron sputtering"

2024 Spring Meeting of the European Materials Research Society (E-MRS)
27.–31. 5. 2024, Strasbourg, France
M. Zhadko, R. Čerstvý, J. Čapek, D. Kolenatý, P. Baroch, P. Zeman
00458 "Modifying effect of zirconium on structure and properties of magnetron sputtered copper films"


International Conference on Reactive Sputter Deposition 2023 (RSD 2023)
12.–13. 12. 2023, Leipzig, Germany
M. Kaufman, J. Vlček, S. Farrukh
"Reactive high-power impulse magnetron sputtering of high-performance thermochromic VO2-based for energy-saving smart windows"

J. Rezek, T. Kozák, M. Farahani, J. Houška
"Surface biasing effectiveness in r-HiPIMS deposition of non-conductive ZrO2 films on substrates with different capacitances"

17th European Congress and Exhibition on Advanced Materials and Processes (FEMS EUROMAT 2023)
3.–7. 9. 2023, Frankfurt, Germany
D. Thakur, M. Červená, R. Čerstvý, S. Haviar, P. Zeman
#C07-245 "Amorphous and dual-phase nanocomposite coatings within Zr–B–Cu system"

K. Shaji, S. Haviar, P. Zeman, Š. Kos, R. Čerstvý, J. Čapek
#A05-647 "Preparation of multi-composite nanoparticle-based thin films for gas sensing"

International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases (ICPIG XXXV)
9.–14. 7. 2023, Egmond ann Zee, Netherlands
M. Farahani, T. Kozák, A.D. Pajdarová
"Ion and atom fluxes during HiPIMS deposition of NbC from a compound target"

EMRS Spring Meeting 2023
29. 5.–2. 6. 2023, Strasbourg, France
J. Rezek
"High-rate HiPIMS reactive sputter deposition of p-type Cu2O-based thin films for translucent electronics applications"

49th International Conference on Metalurgical Coatings and Thin Films (ICMCTF 2023)
22.–26. 5. 2023, San Diego, California, USA
S. Haviar, M. Červená, A. Bondarev, R. Čerstvý, P. Zeman
BP-ThP-20"Self-formation of dual-phase nanocomposite nc-ZrN/a-ZrCu coatings by reactive magnetron co-sputtering"


18th International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering (PSE 2022)
12.–15. 09. 2022, Erfurt, Germany
M. Kaufman, J. Vlček, J. Houška, R. Čerstvý, M. Chargaoui, S. Farrukh, S. Haviar
PO1709 "A low-temperature (350 °C) deposition of high-performance thermochromic YSZ/V0.986W0.014O2/YSZ coatings for smart-window applications"

K. Shaji, S. Haviar, T. Kozák, T. Košutová, B. Prifling, J. Zálešák, V. Schmidt, J. Čapek
PO1001 "Thin-film materials based on CuOx nanoparticles for hydrogen gas sensing"

I. Shelest, Š. Kos, J. Musil, P. Baroch
PO0305 "Nb–Zr–O films deposited by reactive sputtering by dual magnetron"

48th International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films (ICMCTF 2022)
22.–27. 05. 2022, San Diego, CA, USA
J. Houška
"Maximum achievable N content in amorphous nitrides"


2021 MRS Fall Meeting
6.−8. 12. 2021, on-line
M. Matas, M. Procházka, J. Vlček, J. Houška
"Characteristics of Hf(M)SiBCN (M = Y, Ho, Ta, Mo) Materials—Role of the M Choice"

Spring Meeting of the European Materials Research Society (E-MRS)
31.5.−04. 6. 2021, on-line
Š. Kos, J. Musil
"New sputtering technology based on strongly non-equilibrium processes"

8th International Symposium on Sensor Science
17.−28. 5. 2021, on-line
N. Kumar, S. Haviar, J. Rezek, J. Čapek, P. Baroch
"Tungsten Oxide Based Hydrogen Gas Sensor Prepared by Advanced Magnetron Sputtering"

47th International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films (ICMCTF 2021)
26.–30. 4. 2021, on-line
J. Houška, T. Kozák
"Distribution of O atoms on partially oxidized metal targets"


PSE Satellite – Workshop on Plasma-Based Synthesis of Nanomaterials
10.−11. 02. 2020, Prague, Czech Republic
T. Bárta, J. Vlček, D. Kolenatý, J. Rezek, J. Houška, S. Haviar
"High-performance Thermochromic VO2-based Coatings Prepared on Glass by a Low-temperature Scalable Deposition"

N. Kumar, S. Haviar, J. Čapek, P. Baroch
"Nanostructured CuWO4/WO3 Bilayers for Hydrogen Gas Sensing"

18th International Conference on Thin Films and 18th Joint Vacuum Conference (ICTF-JVC 2020)
22.−26. 11. 2020, on-line
Z. Čiperová, J. Musil
"Hard alloy films with enhanced resistance to cracking"


Plasma Thin film International Union Meeting (PLATHINIUM 2019)
23.27. 9. 2019, Antibes, France
L. Zauner, T. Wojcik, T. Kozák, J. Čapek, H. Bolvardi, S. Kolozsvári, P.H. Mayrhofer, H. Riedl
TRIB-P1-103 "Reactive HiPIMS deposition of Ti−Al−N: Influencing the Cubic to Wurtzite phase transition"

T. Bárta, J. Vlček, D. Kolenatý, J. Rezek, J. Houška, S. Haviar
DEPO-P1-034 "A low-temperature (330 °C) deposition of high-performance thermochromic VO2-based coatings for smart-window applications"

European Congress and Exhibition on Advanced Materials and Processes 2019 (EUROMAT 2019)
1.5. 9. 2019, Stockholm, Sweden
M. Kotrlová, P. Zeman, J. Houška, R. Čerstvý, M. Procházka, J. Vlček
B8-TUE-PS2-1 "High-temperature oxidation resistance and thermal stability of hard and optically transparent Hf−B−Si−(Y/Ho−)C−N coatings"

10th International Conference on Fundamentals and Industrial Applications of HIPIMS 2019 & International Conference on Sputter Technology (HiPIMS-ST 2019)
19.20. 6. 2019, Braunschweig, Germany
Š. Batková, J. Čapek, S. Haviar, J. Houška, R. Čerstvý, M. Krbal, T. Duchoň
P4 "Photocatalytic Ta−O−N films prepared by reactive HiPIMS"

Z. Čiperová, J. Musil, Š. Kos, M. Jaroš
P3 "Overstoichiometric TMNx>1 transition metal nitride films"

A.D. Pajdarová, T. Kozák, J. Čapek, P. Mareš, M. Čada, Z. Hubička
"Time-resolved Langmuir probe diagnostics carried out during the positive voltage pulses in bipolar HiPIMS discharges"

7th European Conference on Tribology (ECOTRIB 2019)
12.14. 6. 2019, Wien, Austria
Z. Soukup, J. Musil, D. Javdošňák, R. Čerstvý, S. Haviar, J. Houška
"Tribological properties of tungsten nitride films at tempertures up to 500 °C"


37th Spring Meeting of the European Materials Research Society 2019 (E-MRS 2019)
27.31. 5. 2019, Nice, France
N. Kumar, S. Haviar, Š. Batková, J. Čapek, P. Baroch
N PII.52 "Hydrogen Gas Sensor Based on WO3 and CuO thin films and Nanoclusters"

46th International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films (ICMCTF 2019)
19.24. 5. 2019, San Diego, USA
S. Kagerer, S. Koloszvári, J. Čapek, T. Kozák, P. Zeman, H. Riedl, P.H. Mayrhofer
FP-ThP17 "Effect of Synchronized Bias on the Oxygen Content in r-HiPIMS Deposited γ-Al2O3 Thin Films"

L. Zauner, H. Riedl, T. Kozák, J. Čapek, T. Wojcik, H. Bolvardi, S. Koloszvári, P.H. Mayrhofer
FP-ThP3 "Influencing the Cubic to Wurtzite Phase Transition in Ti−Al−N by Reactive HiPIMS Deposition"

21st International Vacuum Congress 2019 (IVC 2019)
1.5. 7. 2019, Malmö, Sweden
Š. Kos, J. Musil
2063-A-1902 "New sputtering technology based on strongly non-equilibrium process"


17th International Conference on Reactive Sputter Deposition (RSD 2018)
6.7. 12. 2018, Ghent, Belgium
T. Kozák
"Modelling reactive HiPIMS deposition with fixed average power and varying pulse frequency"

21st International Vacuum Congress 2019 (IVC 2019)
1.5. 7. 2019, Malmö, Sweden
Š. Kos, J. Musil
"New sputtering technology based on strongly non-equilibrium process"

16th International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering (PSE 2018)
17.21. 9. 2018, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany
M. Procházka, S. Babaee Tooski, J. Vlček, R. Čerstvý
PO4003 "Low-temperature deposition of thermochromic VO2 films on glass and kapton using reactive deep oscillation magnetron sputtering"

D. Javdošňák, J. Musil, Z. Soukup, R. Čerstvý, S. Haviar, J. Houška
PO3013 "Mechanical properties of WNx films and their thermal stability"

Š. Batková, J. Čapek, S. Haviar, J. Houška, R. Čerstvý, M. Krbal
PO1039 "Structure optimization of Ta−O−N films prepared by reactive HiPIMS for more effective water splitting"

Z. Čiperová, J. Musil, S. Zenkin, R. Čerstvý, S. Haviar
PO2007 "Hard (Zr,Ti) alloy films with a small amount of oxygen resistant to cracking"

M. Kotrlová, V. Šímová, J. Vlček, R. Čerstvý, J. Houška
PO3054 "Magnetron sputtered high-temperature Hf−B−Si−X−C−N (X = Y, Ho, Mo, Zr, Ta) films with controlled optical transparency and electrical conductivity"

P. Baroch, J. Houška, J. Rezek
PO2009 "Tunable optical and electrical properties of IGZO thin films prepared by reactive HiPIMS"

Z. Soukup, J. Musil, D. Javdošňák, R. Čerstvý, S. Haviar
PO3014 "Tribological properties of tungsten nitride films at temperatures up to 500 °C"

M. Zítek, M. Kotrlová, P. Zeman
PO4055 "Differences in properties and oxidation behavior of amorphous and crystalline magnetron sputtered Zr–Cu alloys"

N. Kumar, S. Haviar, J. Čapek, Š. Batková
PO1043 "Nanostructured Metal-Oxide Based Hydrogen Gas Sensor Prepared by Magnetron Sputtering "

17th Joint Vacuum Conference (JVC 2018)
10.14. 9. 2018, Olomouc, Czech Republic
M. Kotrlová, M. Zítek, P. Zeman
"Differences in properties and oxidation behavior of amorphous and crystalline magnetron sputtered Zr–Cu alloys"

24th Europhysics Conference on Atomic and Molecular Physics of Ionized Gases (ESCAMPIG 2018)
17.21. 7. 2018, Glasgow, UK
T. Kozák, J. Lazar
"Gas rarefaction in high power impulse magnetron sputtering ‒ comparison of a particle simulation and volume-averaged models"

9th International Conference on Fundamentals and Industrial Applications of HIPIMS (HIPIMS 2018)
27.28. 6. 2018, Sheffield, UK
M. Procházka, S. Babaee Tooski, J. Vlček, R. Čerstvý
"Low-temperature deposition of thermochromic VO2 films on glass and kapton using reactive deep oscillation magnetron sputtering"

A. D. Pajdarová, J. Vlček
"Effect of pulse power on controlled reactive HiPIMS deposition of ZrO2 films examined by an optical emission spectroscopy"

28th Symposium on Plasma Physics and Technology (SPPT 2018)
18.21. 6. 2018, Prague, Czech Republic
D. Javdošňák, J. Musil, Z. Soukup, R. Čerstvý, S. Haviar, J. Houška
"Mechanical properties of WNx films and their oxidation resistance"

45th International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films (ICMCTF 2018)
23.27. 4. 2018, San Diego, USA
S. Haviar, J. Čapek, N. Kumar, Š. Batková, M. Fialová, R. Čerstvý, T. Duchoň, F. Dvořák
CP-18 "Sputter-deposited Nanostructured Metal-Oxide Films for Hydrogen Gas Sensing"


16th International Conference on Reactive Sputter Deposition (RSD 2017) 
4.–6. 12. 2017, Plzeň, Czech Republic
M. Zítek, P. Zeman, Š. Zuzjaková, R. Čerstvý, S. Haviar, M. Kotrlová
PO14 "Tuning properties and behavior of magnetron sputtered Zr–Hf–Cu metallic glasses"

D. Javdošňák, Z. Soukup, J. Musil, R. Čerstvý, S. Haviar, J. Houška
PO20 "Tribological properties and oxidation resistance of WNx thin films at high temperatures up to 500 °C"

M. Procházka, S. Babaee Tooski, J. Vlček and R. Čerstvý
PO25 "Low-temperature Deposition of Thermochromic VO2 Films on Glass and Kapton Using Reactive Deep Oscillation Magnetron Sputtering"

V. Šímová, J. Vlček, Š. Zuzjaková, R.Čerstvý, J.Houška
PO10 "Magnetron sputtered Hf–B–Si–C–N films with controlled electrical conductivity and optical transparency, and with ultrahigh oxidation resistance"

Z. Čiperová, J. Musil, S. Zenkin, R. Čerstvý, S. Haviar
PO30 "Hard (Zr,Ti) alloy films with small amount of oxygen resistant to cracking"

Š. Batková, J. Čapek, J. Houška, S. Haviar, R. Čerstvý, T. Duchoň
PO35 "Post-annealing of Ta–O–N films prepared by reactive HiPIMS: A step towards effective water splitting"

2017 MRS Fall Meeting
26.–30. 11. 2017, Boston, USA
J. Houška, D. Kolenatý, J. Rezek, J. Vlček
PM01.04.02 "Pathway for a low-temperature (250 °C) deposition of thermochromic VO2 without substrate bias voltage"

European Congress and Exhibition on Advanced Materials and Processes (EUROMAT 2017) 
17.–22. 9. 2017, Thessaloniki, Greece
M. Zítek, P. Zeman, Š. Zuzjaková, R. Čerstvý, S. Haviar, M. Kotrlová
C1-I-P-TUE-P1-12 "Mechanical properties and thermal behavior of Zr–Hf–Cu thin film metallic glasses"

7th Internationl Symposium on Energy (Energy7) 
13.–17. 8. 2017, Manchester, UK
S. Haviar, M. Fialová, Š. Batková, F. Dvořák
N-E-P-3 "Sputter-deposited Nanostructured Metal-Oxide Films for Hydrogen Gas Sensing""

XXIX IUPAP Conference in Computational Physics (CCP 2017) 
9.–13. 7. 2017, Paris, France
J. Houška
"Development of Reliable Interaction Potential for and Results of Molecular Dynamics Simulations of ZrO2 Film Growth"

8th International Conference on Fundamentals and Industrial Applications of HIPIMS (HIPIMS 2017) 
13.–14. 6. 2017, Braunschweig, Germany
A. D. Pajdarová, J. Vlček
P1 "A controlled high-rate reactive HiPIMS deposition of ZrO2 films: an optical emission spectroscopy study"

E-MRS 2017 Spring Meeting
22.–26. 5. 2017, Strasbourg, France
M. Procházka , V. Šímová, J. Vlček, R. Čerstvý, S. Haviar, J. Rezek, K. Rusňák
"Magnetron-sputtered thick multilayer Zr(Hf)−B−(Si−)C coatings for erosion protection of steam-turbine blades"

D. Javdošňák, J. Musil, R. Čerstvý, S. Haviar, J. Houška
"Effect of energy on the formation of flexible hard Al−Si−N films prepared by magnetron sputtering"

44th IOP Plasma Physics Conference
3.–6. 4. 2017, Oxford, UK
C. Saringer , A.D. Pajdarová, P. Baroch, K. Zorn, R. Franz, Ch. Mitterer
P31 "Spatial Distribution of Plasma Properties in a dc-Magnetron Discharge and Influence of the Discharge Power"


15th International Conference on Reactive Sputter Deposition 2016 (RSD 2016)
1.2. 12. 2016 Ghent, Belgium
D. Javdošňák, J. Musil, R. Čerstvý, S. Haviar, J. Houška
"Effect of energy on the formation of flexible hard Al−Si−N films prepared by magnetron sputtering"

M. Zítek, P. Zeman, Š. Zuzjaková, R. Čerstvý, S. Haviar, J. Rezek
"Amorphous Zr–Cu thin-film alloys with metallic glass behavior"

M. Procházka, V. Šímová, J. Vlček, R. Čerstvý, S. Haviar, J. Rezek, K. Rusňák
"Magnetron-sputtered thick multilayer Zr(Hf)−B−(Si−)C coatings for erosion protection of steam-turbine blades"

D. Kolenatý, J. Vlček, T. Kozák, J. Houška, R. Čerstvý
"Controlled reactive HiPIMS of thermochromic VO2 films at a low deposition temperature (300 °C)"

J. Rezek, J. Vlcek, J. Houska, J. Capek, P. Baroch
"A significant enhancement of the deposition rate in reactive ac magnetron sputtering of the highly optically transparent ZrO2 films"

M. Jaroš, J. Musil, R. Čerstvý, S. Haviar
"Role of energy delivered to sputtered Ti(Al,V)N films on its physical and mechanical properties"

15th International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering (PSE 2016)
12.16. 9. 2016 Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany
S. Zenkin, A. Belosludtsev, Š. Kos, R. Čerstvý, S. Haviar, M. Netrvalová
PO2004 "Thickness dependent wetting properties of thin films of ceramics based on low-electronegativity metals"

J. Capek, S. Batkova, J. Houska
PO1034 "HiPIMS deposition of Ta−O−N coatings with modified surface by Cu nanoclusters for water splitting application"

P. Baroch, J. Rezek, J. Houska
PO1035 "Properties of transparent IGZO thin films prepared using conventional sputtering methods and HiPIMS"

M. Jaroš, J. Musil, R. Čerstvý, S. Haviar
PO2071 "Flexible hard Ti-based nitrides films with enhanced resistance to cracking"

V. Šímová, J. Vlček, Š. Zuzjaková, R. Čerstvý, J. Houška, Z. Soukup
PO2074 "Magnetron sputtered Hf–B–Si–C–N films with high oxidation resistance in air above 1500 °C"

M. Zítek, J. Musil, K. Fajfrlík, R. Čerstvý, P. Zeman
PO2075 "Hard Antibacterial Zr–Cu–N Coatings with Resistance to Cracking"

S. Haviar, M. Fialová, P. Kúš, R. Čerstvý
PO2081 "Substoichiometric Tungsten Oxide Films for Hydrogen Gas Sensing"

J. Rezek, J. Vlcek, J. Capek, J. Houska, P. Baroch
PO3004 "Reactive ac magnetron sputtering with a pulsed reactive gas flow control applied to depositions of ZrO2 films"

D. Kolenatý, J. Houška, J. Rezek, R. Čerstvý, J. Vlček
PO3050 "Reactive High-Power Impulse Magnetron Sputtering of Thermochromic VO2 Films at Low Deposition Temperatures"

27th Symposium on Plasma Physics and Technology (SPPT 2016)
20.23. 6. 2016, Prague, Czech Republic
V. Šímová, J. Vlček, Š. Zuzjaková, R. Čerstvý, J. Houška, Z. Soukup
"Magnetron sputtered Hf–B–Si–C–N films with ultrahigh thermal stability in air"

D. Kolenatý, J. Houška, J. Rezek, R. Čerstvý, J. Vlček
"Reactive high-power impulse magnetron sputtering of thermochromic VO2 films at low substrate temperatures"

P. Baroch, J. Čapek
"Effect of plasma drift in dual magnetron on deposition process"

M. Zítek, J. Musil, K. Fajfrlík, R. Čerstvý, P. Zeman
"Hard antibacterial Zr−Cu−N coatings with resistance to cracking"

A.D. Pajdarová, J. Vlček, J. Rezek
"A controlled reactive high-power impulse magnetron sputtering analyzed by optical emission spectroscopy during deposition of ZrO2 films"


4th Magnetron, Ion processing and Arc Technologies European Conference and 14th International Symposium on Reactive Sputter Deposition (MIATEC and RSD)
8.11. 12. 2015, Paris, France
D. Kolenatý, J. Houška, J.Rezek, R.Čerstvý, J. Vlček
P5.05-036 "Reactive high-power impulse magnetron sputtering of thermochromic VO2 films at low deposition temperatures"

V. Šímová, J. Vlček, Š. Zuzjaková, R. Čerstvý, J. Houška, Z. Soukup
P5.06-043 "Pulsed reactive magnetron sputtering of Hf−B−Si−C−N films with high oxidation resistance in air above 1500 °C"

M. Zítek, J. Musil, K. Fajflík, R. Čerstvý
P5.04-029"Hard antibaterial Zr−Cu−N thin films resistant to cracking"

E-MRS 2015 Spring Meeting
11.−15. 5. 2015, Lille, France
S. Haviar, Š. Chlupová, P. Kúš, M. Gillet, V. Matolín, I. Matolínová
AVIII54 "Self-assembled tungsten oxide nanorods for hydrogen gas sensing"


13th International Conference on Reactive Sputter Deposition 2014 (RSD 2014)
11.12. 12. 2014, Ghent, Belgium
A. Belosludtsev, J. Vlček, J. Rezek, J. Houška, R. Čerstvý
"High-rate reactive high-power impulse magnetron sputtering of hafnium dioxide films"

J. Rezek, J. Vlček, A. Belosludtsev
"Controlled reactive high-power impulse magnetron sputtering of dielectric oxide films"

P. Mareš, J. Vlček, J. Houška, R. Čerstvý, P. Zeman, Š. Zuzjaková
"Multifunctional nanostructured Hf–B–Si–C films prepared using pulsed magnetron sputtering"

14th International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering (PSE 2014)
15.19. 9. 2014 Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany
J. Rezek, J. Vlček, A. Belosludtsev
PO1056 "Different process parameters controlling reactive high-power impulse magnetron sputtering of dielectric oxide films"

A. Belosludtsev, J. Rezek, J. Vlček, J. Houška, R. Čerstvý
PO1065 "High-rate reactive high-power impulse magnetron sputtering of hafnium dioxide films"

J. Procházka, R. Čerstvý, Z. Soukup, J. Musil
PO2046 "Mechanical and tribological properties of magnetron sputtered (Ti,Al,V)N nitride films"

P. Baroch, J. Čapek, J. Rezek, P. Zeman
PO2055 "Surface functionalization of carbon fibres by magnetron sputtered thin films at different power modes"

S. Zenkin, Š. Kos, J. Musil
PO3032 "Hydrophobic and mechanical properties of transition-metal based ceramics"

R. Jílek, J. Musil, R. Čerstvý
PO3032 "Ti−Ni−N thin films with enhanced toughness and resistance to cracking"

11th European Symposium on Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry (ESTAC11)
17.21. 8. 2014, Espoo, Finland
Š. Zuzjaková, P. Stupka, P. Zeman, R. Čerstvý, J. Musil
P 73 "Exothermic formation of γ-TiAl phase in Ti/Al multilayer films prepared by magnetron sputtering"

26th Symposium on Plasma Physics and Technology (SPPT 2014)
16.19. 6. 2014, Prague, Czech Republic
A. D. Pajdarová, J. Vlček, J. Rezek
P 77 "Optical Emission Spectroscopy during a Controlled Reactive High-Power Impulse Magnetron Sputtering of Densified ZrO2 Films"


4th International Conference on HIPIMS (HIPIMS 2013)
12.13. 6. 2013, Braunschweig, Germany
J. Čapek, M. Hála, O. Zabeida, J.E. Klemberg-Sapieha, L. Martinu
P 37 "Deposition rate enhancement in HIPIMS without compromising the ionized fraction of the deposition flux"

E-MRS 2013 Spring Meeting
27.31. 5. 2013, Strasbourg, France
J. Kohout, J. Vlček, R. Čerstvý, Z. Soukup, Š. Prokšová
P. I. 17 "Hard Zr−Si−B−C−N films with enhanced wear resistance and oxidation resistance prepared by pulsed magnetron sputtering"

J. Rezek, J. Vlček, J. Houška, R. Čerstvý, T. Kozák, J. Kohout
P.I. 7 "Reactive deposition of zirconium dioxide films using high-power impulse magnetron sputtering"

40th International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films (ICMCTF 2013)
29. 4. 3. 5. 2013, San Diego, USA
V. Petrman, J. Houška
BP10 “Simple Relationships Between Characteristics of Complex Nitrides and Electronegativities and Radii of Constituent Elements”


13th International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering (PSE 2012)
10.14. 9. 2012 Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany
J. Čapek, M. Hála, O. Zabeida, J.E. Klemberg-Sapieha, L. Martinu
PO3011 "Material flux optimization in HiPIMS through the control of the magnetic field"

J. Houška, Z. Soukup, J. Rezek, R. Jílek, J. Musil, J. Vlček
PO4010 "Composition-structure-properties relationships of metal (Al, Ti, Ta, Zr) oxynitride thin films studied by ellipsometry and FTIR"

M. Hromádka, J. Musil, R. Čerstvý, Z. Soukup, J. Savková
PO2018 “Effect of substrate temperature and copper content on mechanical and tribological properties of reactively magnetron sputtered Sn−Cu−O films“

Š. Prokšová, P. Zeman, J. Blažek, R. Čerstvý, J. Musil
PO4006 "Thermal transformations in magnetron sputtered Al−Cu−O films"

P. Stupka, J. Musil, Š. Prokšová, R. Čerstvý, P. Zeman
PO4059 "Magnetron sputtering of Ti/Al multilayer coatings composed of nano-bilayers"

39th International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films (ICMCTF 2012)
23.27. 4. 2012, San Diego, CA, USA
M. Hromádka, J. Musil, P. Novák, R. Čerstvý, Z. Soukup, J. Savková
EP-4 “Mechanical and tribological properties of sputtered Mo−O−N coatings“


10th International Conference on Reactive Sputter Deposition (RSD 2011)
7.10. 12. 2011, Linköping , Sweden
P. Baroch
"Effect of magnetic field configuration on the discharge characteristics of dual magnetron"

M. Hromádka, J. Musil, R. Čerstvý, Z. Soukup
“Effect of substrate temperature on mechanical and tribological properties of reactively magnetron sputtered Sn−Cu−O films“

R. Jílek, M. Meissner, J. Musil, R. Čerstvý
"Reactive magnetron sputtering of aluminium oxynitride thin films using oxygen gas pulsing process"

J. Kohout, P. Steidl, J. Vlček, R. Čerstvý
"Hard nanocrystalline Zr−B−C−(N) films prepared by pulsed magnetron sputtering"

J. Rezek, J. Vlček, J. Houška, R. Čerstvý
“High-Rate Reactive Deposition of Multifunctional Ta−O−N Films Using High Power Impulse Magnetron Sputtering“

J. Sklenka, J. Musil
"Highly elastic hard transparent Zr−Al−O films"

1st Central and Eastern European Conference on Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry (CEEC-TAC1)
7.10. 9. 2011 Craiova, Romania
Š. Prokšová, P. Zeman, J. Blažek, R. Čerstvý, J. Musil
PS2.14 "Non-isothermal Kinetics of Phase Transformations in Magnetron Sputtered Alumina Films with Metastable Structure"

12.15. 9. 2011, Montpellier, France
J. Houška, V. Petrman, S. Kos, P. Calta, J. Vlček
"Effect of N content on structure and optical and electrical properties of SiBCN materials"

E-MRS 2011 Spring Meeting
9.13. 5. 2011, Nice, France
J. Houška, Š. Kos
"SiBCN materials for high-temperature applications: Atomistic origin of electrical conductivity"

M. Meissner, J. Musil, T. Tölg, R. Jílek, R.Čerstvý
"Reactive magnetron sputtering of aluminium oxynitride thin films using pulsed inlet of oxygen"

Š. Prokšová, P. Zeman, J. Blažek, R. Čerstvý, J. Musil
"Non-isothermal Kinetics of Phase Transformations in Magnetron Sputtered Alumina Films with Metastable Structure"

J. Rezek, J. Vlček, J. Lazar
"High-Rate Reactive Deposition of Transparent Zirconium Dioxide Films Using High-Power Pulsed DC Magnetron Sputtering"

P. Steidl, J. Kohout, J. Houška, Š. Prokšová, J. Vlček, R. Čerstvý, P. Zeman
"Mechanical and optical properties of hard Si−Zr−B−C−(N) films prepared by pulsed magnetron sputtering"


12th International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering (PSE 2010)
13.17.9. 2010, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany
P. Baroch, T. Kozák, J. Musil
PO4035 “Effect of substrate material on surface morphology of thin films prepared by nonreactive magnetron sputtering”

J. Blažek, R. Čerstvý, P. Zeman, J. Musil
PO3007 “Crystallization and thermal stability of nanocrystalline γ-Al2O3 thin films prepared by reactive magnetron sputtering“

J. Houška, Š. Kos, P. Zeman, J. Čapek, P. Calta, P. Steidl, J. Vlček
PO1008 “New Si−B−C−N materials: Combining electrical conductivity with extremely high thermal stability“

M. Hromádka, P. Novák, J. Musil
PO1076 “Effect of nitrogen on tribological properties of carbon films containing titanium“

T. Kozák, A. D. Pajdarová
PO1018 “A two-zone model for high power pulsed magnetron sputtering discharges”

M. Meissner, P. Baroch, J. Musil
PO4031 “Suppression of arcing in DC pulse reactive magnetron sputtering”

J. Rezek, J. Lazar, J. Vlček
PO1026 “Effect of the enlarged target power densities during shortened voltage pulses on high power impulse magnetron sputtering of zirconium“

P. Steidl, P. Calta, J. Vlček, P.Zeman
PO3080 “Hard amorphous Si−B−C−N coatings with high thermal stability and oxidation resistance prepared by pulsed magnetron sputteringy“

Magnetrons Ion processing Arcs Technologies European Conference (MIATEC 2010)
15.18. 6. 2010, Metz, France
M. Meissner, P. Baroch, J. Musil
"Elimination of Arcing in Reactive DC Pulse Magnetron Sputtering of Al2O3 Thin Films"

V. Šatava, J. Musil, P. Baroch
“Reactive deposition of thick transparent SiO2 oxide films containing Zr from molten target”

37th International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films (ICMCTF 2010)
26.30. 4. 2010, San Diego, USA
M. Meissner, V. Ondok, J. Musil, R. Čerstvý, K. Fajfrlík
TSP-5 “Two-Functional DC Sputtered Cu-Containing TiO2 Thin Films“

P. Novák, J.Musil , R.Cerstvy
EP-8 “Coefficient of friction and wear of sputtered a-C thin coatings containing Mo“

J. Rezek, J. Lazar, J. Vlček
HP-2 “Effect of the enlarged target power densities during shortened voltage pulses on high power impulse magnetron sputtering of zirconium“

P. Steidl, P. Calta, J. Vlcek, P. Zeman
AP-3 “Pulsed magnetron sputtering of hard amorphous Si−B−C−N coatings with high thermal stability and oxidation resistance“


19th International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry (ISPC-19)
26.31. 7. 2009, Bochum, Germany
P. Baroch, N. Saito
"Dielectric Barrier Discharge System with Catalytically Active Porous Segment for Improvement of Water Treatment"

E-MRS Spring Meeting
8.12. 6. 2009, Strasbourg, France
P. Calta, J. Čapek, P. Zeman, P. Steidl, R. Čerstvý, J. Vlček
"Properties of thermally stable Si−B−C−N coatings prepared by reactive dc magnetron co sputtering"

P. Novák, J. Musil
"Coefficient of friction and wear of MeCx thin films"

J. Rezek, J. Lazar, J. Vlček
"High Power Impulse Magnetron sputtering of Zirconium"

P. Steidl, J. Čapek, P. Zeman, P. Calta, R. Čerstvý, J. Vlček
PP10-10 "Thermally stable Si−B−C−N coatings prepared by reactive dc magnetron co sputtering"

36th International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films (ICMCTF 2009)
27. 4 1. 5. 2009, San Diego, USA
P. Calta, J. Čapek, P. Zeman, P. Steidl, R. Čerstvý, J. Vlček
AP-5 "Properties of thermally stable Si−B−C−N coatings prepared by reactive dc magnetron co sputtering"

J. Houška, J. E. Klemberg-Sapieha, L. Martinu
TSP-7 "Molecular dynamics atom-by-atom simulations of chemical vapor deposition of SiNH"

J. Musil, V. Šatava, P. Zeman, R. Čerstvý
AP-1 "Hard protective Si−Zr−O coatings resistant to thermal cycling in air up to 1400 °C"


11th International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering (PSE 2008)
15.19. 9. 2008, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany
J. Čapek, P. Zeman, P. Calta, J. Vlček, R. Čerstvý
PO4089 "Effect of the gas mixture composition on high-temperature behavior of magnetron sputtered Si−B−C−N coatings"

M. Šašek, J. Musil, P. Zeman
PO4090 "Structure and mechanical properties of Al−Si−N films with a low and high Si content"

V. Šatava, J. Musil, R. Čerstvý, P. Zeman, T. Tölg
PO3078 "Formation of crystalline Al−Ti−O thin films and their properties"

P. Zeman, J. Čapek, R. Čerstvý, J. Vlček
PO4101 "Thermal stability of magnetron sputtered Si−B−C−N materials at temperatures up to 1700 °C"

B. Zuštin, K. Burcalová, J. Vlček, J. Lukáš
PO4019 "High-power pulsed reactive magnetron deposition of TiN films"

2nd Central European Symposium on Plasma Chemistry (CESPC)
31. 8. 4. 9. 2008, Brno, Czech Republic
P. Baroch, N. Saito
"Dielectric Barrier Discharge Reactor with Enhanced Efficiency For Purification of Polluted Water"

23rd Symposium on Plasma Physics and Technology (SPPT 2008)
16.19. 6. 2008, Prague, Czech Republic
P. Baroch, J. Lazar, J. Musil
"Plasma Drift in Dual Magnetron Discharge"

J. Čapek, P. Zeman, P. Calta, J. Vlček, R. Čerstvý
"Effect of the gas mixture composition on high-temperature behavior of magnetron sputtered Si−B−C−N coatings"

M. Šašek, J. Musil, P. Zeman
"Structure and mechanical properties of Al−Si−N films with a low and high Si content"

V. Šatava, J. Musil, R. Čerstvý, P. Zeman, T. Tölg
"Formation of crystalline Al−Ti−O thin films and their properties"

B. Zuštin, K. Burcalová, J. Vlček, J. Lukáš
"High-power pulsed reactive magnetron deposition of TiN films"

35th International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films (ICMCTF 2008)
28. 4 2. 5. 2008, San Diego, USA
K. Burcalová, B. Zuštin, J. Vlček, J. Lukáš
HP3 "High-power pulsed reactive magnetron deposition of TiN films"

J. Čapek, S. Hřeben, P. Zeman, J. Vlček, R. Čerstvý
AP-3 "Effect of the gas mixture composition on high-temperature behavior of magnetron sputtered Si−B−C−N coatings"

M. Šašek, J. Musil, P. Zeman
BP-2 "Structure and mechanical properties of Al−Si−N films with a low and high Si content"


28th International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases (ICPIG 2007)
15.20. 7. 2007, Prague, Czech Republic
K. Burcalová, J. Vlček, P. Kudláček
"High-power pulsed magnetron sputtering, Model and experiments"

S. Hřeben, J. Kalaš, J. Vlček, J. Čapek , P. Zeman, V. Perina, Y. Setsuhara
"Reactive magnetron sputtering of hard Si−B−C−N coatings with high-temperature oxidation resistance"

J. Musil, V. Ondok
"Effect of hydrogen on sputtering discharge and properties of TiO2 films"

A. D. Pajdarová, J. Vlček, P. Kudláček, J. Lukáš, J. Musil
"Time resolved Langmuir probe diagnostics of high-power pulsed DC magnetron discharges during deposition of copper films"

M. Šašek, P. Zeman, J. Musil
"Oxidation of sputtered Cu films during thermal annealing in flowing air"

B. Zuštin, K. Burcalová, J. Vlček, J. Lukáš
"High-power pulsed reactive magnetron deposition of TiN films and their mechanical properties"

34th International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films (ICMCTF 2007)
23.27. 4. 2007, San Diego, USA
K. Burcalová, J. Vlček, P. Kudláček, J. Lukáš, J. Musil
AP-1 "High-power pulsed magnetron sputtering"

S. Hřeben, J. Vlček, Š. Potocký, J. Kalaš, P. Zeman, K. Rusňák, V. Peřina, Y. Setsuhara
"A high-temperature oxidation resistance of novel Si−B−C−N coatings prepared by reactive magnetron sputtering"

M. Louda, J. Šůna, J. Musil
EP-2 "Mechanical Properties and Coefficient of Friction of Cu/a-C Films"

4th Sheffield HIPIMS days Conference
10.11. 6. 2007, Sheffield, United Kingdom
K. Burcalová, A. Hecimovic, A. P. Ehiasarian
"Ion energy distributions and efficiency of sputtering process in HIPIMS system"

16th Symposium on Application of Plasma Processes (SAPP XVI)
20.25. 1. 2007, Podbanske, Slovakia
J. Kalaš, J. Vlček, S. Hřeben, J. Čapek, P. Zeman, V. Peřina
"High temperature behaviour and oxidation resistance of Si−B−C−N films"

J. Šícha
"High-rate magnetron sputtering of crystalline TiO2 fims"