Speech and image technology

Automation of complex control, decision making, monitoring, diagnostic and planning processes requires, more and more often, an approach to solving tasks by applying artificial intelligence methods, i.e. using "machine" approaches to modelling the behaviour of human experts. A key part of these intelligent systems are subsystems of machine retrieval of information from the environment of a task to be solved. Given the fact that people obtain 98% of information from the world around them through their eyes and voice communications, it is quite clear that the machine form of vision and speech communication is the most important part of the Machine Perception in the environment of artificial intelligence. Since the information obtained from the environment of a particular task to solve must also be "transformed" into a structure of knowledge, this information is significantly utilized in the further processing, and methods for automatic recognition of objects and phenomena, automatic problem solving, machine learning, decision making, machine representation of knowledge, etc. are thus developed. The application potential of speech and imaging technologies is considerable; it finds its use in both industrial and social practice and services.