This research area includes computer vision applications in various fields of research. Several research groups are dealing with applications for the industry, medicine, man-to-machine interactions and thermovision solutions.
Computer Vision Industrial Applications
This area includes optical recognition, monitoring, etc. Tasks being solved include, for example, automatic identification and recognition of traffic objects, measuring of surface waviness/roughness using an optical method, automation or support for manual or robotic assembly, etc.
Computer Vision Medical Applications
Specific tasks in this area include, for example, semi-automated volumetric measurements of parenchymal organs (such as livers), with considerably faster image data processing or automatic or semi-automatic detection of lesions and monitoring of their changes by physicians or other medical staff.
Multimodal Human-Computer Interaction Focusing on Visual Modality
This research activity is carried out in the field of speech recognition and synthesis, including support for visual modality (talking head, lip-reading computer, virtual moderator, etc.), sign language and gesture recognition and synthesis, as well as other areas.
Processing and Use of Thermovisual Recordings
The research into the processing and use of thermovisual recordings (thermograms, images depicting surface temperatures of objects being observed) is carried out in a number of fields, such as civil engineering, electrical engineering, electronics, power engineering, medicine, etc.